Monthly Archives: January 2017

There are about 100- billionaire oligarchs (that there are more than 100 now doesn’t alter the perspective in this blog) who’ve seized control of civilization in the last 100-years and today form a transnational plutocracy. They have no interest in any particular country per se; their interest is solely in what they can extract from countries. The first oligarchs of the modern era were the oil magnate John D. Rockefeller alongside the fiat currency private central banker Rothschild. What makes these oligarchs different from the previous aristocracy is the technological prowess they wield. We should pay attention to what kind of technology they are offering up! In general, only polluting technology; only tracking tech compared to say, a truth detection technology–curious indeed. The mode of operation for the oligarchy is the corporation. The first fifty years of the 20th century was about setting up the conditions for corporate control via purchasing the judiciary and the state’s political structure. The result of this coup d’état of society meant that corporations couldn’t be held accountable for criminal acts; these corporations also shield the oligarchs, that is–the oligarchs can maintain a certain anonymity. These corporations have used trade agreements to over-ride nation-state concerns for the benefit of the plutocracy. It should also be noted that the systems of finance set up by them are inherently corrupt and the model for doing business is the casino.

They have instituted a worldwide mass profiling civilization whereby they know everything about us but we can know very little about who they are. We can also tell by recent demonetization initiatives that a part of their agenda is to digitize every transaction on the planet thereby annihilating any remaining free-market activities. This is synonymous with wanting a cut of the ‘vig’ of any transaction anyone does anywhere. This is a mafia ethos. The plutocracy now owns 60 to 70% of the earth’s wealth; the largest transfer of wealth in known history. I call this the theft of the Earth Commons.

So, who are they? I think the only way to even come close to answering this is with facts. The first fact is that there is not one religious book on earth that is factual!!! Every book is internally contradictory and comparatively contradictory; especially when studied in the light of modern scholarship. But there are clues in these religious books, nevertheless. But first, we need to set up some guideposts on how to investigate this. I will use a bizarre example to make a point. Let’s play with the recent assertions in popular culture that the earth is flat. What would that mean? It would mean this: there would be absolutely no way on earth to distinguish fact from fiction! If everything is a lie then nothing could be trusted or learned. Humanity would be at the complete mercy of the gods who see fit under this example to NOT tell us the truth about the nature of the cosmos! Of course, it would be simple for any god to solve the issue, but what is fact here is that no God is willing to step up and declare to everyone that the earth is flat. 

               Which brings us back to a fact-based inquiry into who these plutocrats are.

………………………..                                       To be continued                                            ……………… ……

I am defining good and evil here as what is in the moral and ethical best interests of a human being, the culture humans live in, and the time span of 100 years– specifically 2017 to 2117–or, what is good and evil as they pertain to this civilization surviving until 2117. The list will be comprehensive over time. Please read the aforementioned one more time so that you clearly understand the definition and parameters of the use of good and evil here. The good here may allow humanity to survive and perhaps even thrive; the evil practiced here is to our own destruction.

Loaning money: good.

Loaning money at excessive interest: evil.

Creating money: good.

Creating money via monopoly and debt: evil.

Making money: good.

Making money via unnecessary exploitation and coercion: evil.

Owning a house: good.

Owning more than 1 house: evil

Owning a hotel: good.

Owning more than 1 hotel: evil.

Financial speculation on the basic needs of having a home: evil.

Producing fuel from oil in 1917: good.

Producing fuel from oil in 2017: evil.

Doing everything humanly possible to recycle pollution: good.

Denying pollution is a problem in 2017: evil.

Equality for women: good.

Women who use freedom to wage war: evil.

LGBTQ: good.

LGBTQ who use freedom to wage war: evil.

Benign religiosity: good.

Religiosity premised on bigotry and geography: evil.

Being Jewish: good.

Being Jewish and protecting Jewish people who commit evil via the code of silence ethic: evil.

Being Arab: good.

Being Arab and thinking being Arab is privileged because of what The Koran says about Ismael: evil.

Believing in The Torah: good.

Believing The Torah is a divine revelation: evil.

Believing in The Koran: good.

Believing The Koran is a divine revelation: evil.

Believing in The New Testament: good.

Believing The New Testament is a divine revelation: evil.

Believing in Hinduism: good.

Believing Hindu books are a divine revelation: evil.

Mindful immigration and integration of races: good.

Immigration as hidden agendas for Israel: evil.

Immigration as hidden agendas for Islam: evil.

Immigration as a method of funding central banking debt systems of currency creation: evil.

Immigration to fund the interests of corporations: evil.

A necessary abortion: good.

All manner of unnecessary abortion: evil.

Intelligent used of controlled substances: good.

Abusing controlled substances: evil.

Freedom of speech: good.

Political correctness: evil.

Freedom of speech to say bad things: good.

Political correctness which tries to ban people from saying bad things: evil.

Eating any kind of food in moderation and good health: good.

Eating any kind of food just to eat: evil.Treating animals inhumanely if they are a food source for humans: evil.

The utmost care and ethical treatment of animals which are a food source for humans: good.

Corporations: good.

Corporations who have used legal devices to get away with every manner of criminal activity: evil.


“I won!”

Okay, so you are one of the winners in this corporate neoliberal hijacking of civilization which is mobster rule via casino economics! Congratulations! How did you win? Via the corrupt speculation on housing? Oh, you won big time in one of the largest manipulations of populations in human history when it comes to unmerited wealth! Or, you make obscene amounts of money in the sports and entertainment complex! Now, why do you think that is? No chance you were hired by the mobsters to sell their corrupt system? And we won’t mention how this has created a culture of narcissism where you honestly believe you are better than the 80% of people on this planet who see through these corrupt financial machinations! Technically, this is called delusion! Or, maybe you gamble and won on the corrupt stock market system wherein corporations buy your consent to rape and pillage the earth via shares in their toxic empires? Or, maybe you did just win the lottery or won in the casino! Good for you! Or, perhaps, you won via inheritance, crony capitalism, nepotism, or one of the many ways people make unmerited wealth via these types of corrupt practices? Or, perhaps you won in the new politics? The one implemented wherein politicians pass laws solely for their benefit and the benefit of those who bought their allegiance.

One thing is for sure, though, today–if you try to make an honest living you will be marginalized, poor, and victimized by financial predators.

Good job! NOT! And it’s a damn shame there is no god willing to step up to the plate and fire you! So now all we have is a long slow doom heading our way thanks to your complicity with these mobsters!

Bad, bad, bad! But material spiritualism is good, good, good! Do you know what the difference is? I shall try to flesh this out. The neoliberal department of spiritual propaganda has instituted spiritual materialism throughout every culture they have their tentacles in. In general, these sects and cults instituted by these propagandists offer up traditional mythologies as spiritual fact and they are always wrapped up in capitalist dogma. This is severe manipulation of populations!

Now material spiritualism in distinction understands religion is a myth and that god, as understood in mythology, is false. But what it does do and add is the understanding that spirituality is a foundational value of human experience and it seeks to integrate healthy spiritual values into the modern societal sphere. There is no New-age woo-woo here; no false religious claims, just the understanding that spirituality can and should be a healthy part of the human experience. I think Sam Harris* has this understanding; I think Wilber, did, to a degree, too, but he blew it when insisting his preferred spiritual path was the absolute path to truth. He also misrepresents science. I think Jordan Peterson might fall into this group, too.

So, empathy, equanimity, compassion, loving-kindness, humility, long-suffering, patience, etc., are all the best qualities of our religious mythologies and it’s these that humanity dismisses at its peril.

As for me: I sit somewhere in this spectrum: agnostic theism to material spiritualist. I think these are valid positions in 2016. I think gnostic atheism and gnostic theism are overreaches.

I think politically and economically these ideas are in desperate need of being embraced. These would be Golden Rule type economies and politics; or, Human Decency politics and economics; or, what I am calling The New Earth Commons Economy. All based on spiritual values that don’t unnecessarily exploit or coerce people, animals, and resources.

NOTE* When it comes to 911 Mr. Harris is either our right lying practicing a code of silence or he’s being woefully ignorant. Some of the strongest buildings ever made do not turn to dust in 10 seconds! But by no means was Israel in this alone! Neocons and Saudi’s were also involved…..

To the woman, he said, “I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor, you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.”

That’s mean ole Jehovah speaking, ladies! But ya know, I hope y’all are great lovers of irony as you were out protesting against the main lobbyist’s for how you gained your freedom in modernity; that is the fossil fuel elite who are firmly back in the driver’s seat ( were they ever out of it?). These fossil fuel elites know full well that the freedoms you now have can only be guaranteed at the moment by their products and efforts! There is no alternative energy to scale the civilization in which you now live! Nowhere! Naughta! It does not exist! And do you know what happens when this energy source is depleted and gone? Yes, that’s right! Back to feudalism where might has always been right! Now, this particular blog post is not about the other half of this issue: Climate Change, but this issue won’t be without consequence for you either!

I’m not prone to telling anyone what to do but it might be a time to reflect on the reality of the situation here and not solely on one’s identity within modernity. I’m sorry, but there are far larger issues on the horizon and I’m not seeing women anywhere take this issue seriously; at least not so much that there are any women addressing the changes needed so that you and all people can continue to live with the privileges which fossil fuels have provided.

This blog is in no way an apology for the fossil fueler’s who are in charge of civilization; but they certainly are aware of this issue, which is one hell of a lot more than I can say about the female demographic who seem to be wholly blind to the complexities of the age as they relate to energy supplies needed to scale civilization!

On the Capitalist dragon: the dragon is a hoarder of wealth and will never give that up. The dragon is also motivated by lizard instincts and can’t reason its way out of its nature: it is lowly developed and its faculties of reason are diminished by its greed. Once upon the dragon one will find that one can only go where the dragon wills–it will not be steered. The dragon is neoliberal global corporate capitalism. Let’s take some examples: on homelessness, the very parameters of this dragon’s flight make it impossible to end homelessness under this system. The best that can be achieved from its basic ideology is to give blankets and at its worst a feral hatred of these people. Environment: this system externalized all costs to future generations so that it can hoard its wealth for today. And to those who attempt to hinder the dragon’s flight from below? Fierce retribution from everything the dragon can throw at it!  It might also come to be known that this particular dragon is blind and ever the more dangerous for it.

At best, Trump and Co. might be likened to Merry and Pippin in LOTR’s who were always being admonished by Gandolf for their naiveté and downright clumsiness in thinking they can take on the dragon. They cannot! In fact, they are more Golem in their relationship to truth– corrupted by power. Trump represents the Joker card in the mafia-run casino economy which always plays an unpredictable wildcard when needed. Trump also represents the idea of the return to Adam Smith’s laissez-faire (Libertarian) economy espoused in 1850 in one of the bibles of the economy, The Wealth of Nations—a book that was completely acceptable at a time when there was only a billion people on the planet and seemingly unlimited resources. Certainly, our circumstances have changed and there will be 10 billion between 2050 and 2100. For those who love irony, Smith was quite concerned about the business class taking over government (what I call the commons), government for the people by the people; or once known as Republicanism.

The populist uprising by Bernie Sanders on the left is the same reactionary principle. Bernie thinks the solution is to go back to Socialized Capitalism brought in by Roosevelt with his New Deal by mid-century (around the 1940s), this was in reaction to the first Adam Smith system which resulted in the ‘casinoization’ of the economy and caused the market crash in the early part of the century. As a remedy,  John Keynes’s economic ideas were enacted: basically, he posited that the business class needed legislating into behaving ethically (which worked to a degree until the Reagan era) which was another attempt to get back to Adam Smith. Of course, all Reagan did was embed the corporate state even further and the corporate state now owns the political system which has become a theater of propaganda for them. This is the duopoly and it functions via the vast corporate media squid! This whole election cycle is manipulation.

Both parties are backed by the deep state ( The ‘Israelization’ of the western world) and the main mechanism of control which has been the Fiat Currency Fractional Reserve System of banking (a global Ponzi scheme). The Rothschild’s dynasty is one of historical fact so this observation in itself is in no way anti-semitic. This system of currency arose along with a system of energy that is non-renewable and extremely polluting: fossil fuels. The fossil fuel industry’s attempt at managing their complicity in today’s toxic state of affairs is to paint bicycles (greenwashing) on the roads while at the same time advertising the sales of automobiles 24/7. It’s a very effective yet extremely cynical tactic by these propagandists and corporate masters. The obsession with driverless cars using the same 1850 polluting fuel is also very instructive of the mindset of these corporations!

Is there any way forward? No, I suspect not. We will see the continued non-stop warfare against the earth and its people by these corporate lunatics resulting in a century of chaos and destruction. The war against Islam is, in part, the continued imperialism of The Corporation, against a group of people who have built-in tribal codes which war against the corporate capitalist’s (this is a continued  war that was waged against all aboriginal people.) This is in no way an endorsement of the collectivist nightmare which is Islam which should have been allowed to develop on its own into modernity without being assaulted by the capitalist dragon.  Of course, a part of this is also, in the Middle East,  is the Greater Israel Project, along with control of the fossil fuel resources for the corporate state.

All anyone can do, IMO, is to get the hell out of the way by removing themselves from all these systems of control (a near-impossible task). But sure, if one won the lottery within this system then life couldn’t be better.

“if a man does not keep pace with his companions it’s perhaps because he marches to the beat of a different drummer” Thoreau…

We need to build what I call a New Earth Commons Society which uses a non-inflationary non-debt means of exchange; this culture could live ‘side by side’ to a scaled-back capitalist system, one where the focus was commercial and industrial/technical. I’m suggesting, here, that we take humanity’s basic needs off of market systems, and that this should be part of a Climate Emergency (and economic crisis) for around 70-years. I also believe these ideas help solve a problem regarding the failure of a Christian economic ethos. See my 12-part Winter Solstice Golden Rule Series. 

The merit of my idea is that it would allow as many people as much choice as possible as to which system they want to live under–so the ethics of voluntaryism are important to the degree that this is possible. The present worldwide financial monoculture is reaching all natural limits and cannot be sustained– 2 billion practitioners was the likely limit. In all likeliness, this system reached its limits in and around 1950. I think the postmodernists grokked this, and, in part, is what they were getting at.

So this new emerging New Earth Commons culture would need to have a guaranteed dividend for all its people. Some boundaries would be legislated into the present system: real-estate would be limited to a one or two homes per person initiative and the present speculation on personal real-estate would end (it would be allowed commercially in a stripped-down capitalist system). Speculative real-estate and rent-seeking economics are unsustainable and are causing mass homelessness due to unaffordability.

 Health-care, education, food, would all be traded in the N.E.C system with the stable mode of a new commons currency (or tokenization)…In part, this issue addresses the need for an economic model where inflation is kept to minimal levels over 100-years (so an attempt at steady-state economics). I figure that by 2100 the two economies might divide into 2 billion participating in the reformed capitalist economy and about 8 billion partaking in the N.E.C. economy. To my thinking, this is an intelligent working of the Pareto distribution. The stripped-down commercial culture would be focused on hi-tech and commercial interests with a focus on solving humanity’s most intractable problems. One could also think of the commons as a residential economy. 

A large part of the N.E.C. economy would be to use the current recreation infrastructure; also, the voluntary aspect of the N.E.C. would mean most people in that economy would commit to living simple ‘green’ environmentally sustainable lifestyles. This isn’t austerity if implemented benevolently and with knowledge combined with compassion and technology. A very large part of the culture entails having the infrastructure and education aimed towards mastery in any given interest. A re-implementation of guild systems and such. A re-emergence of the monastery idea even if they are secular in nature. I concede the mindset of misanthropy would need replacing with true philanthropy and not the phony kind the billionaire oligarchs shill today.

Think of this as a techno-shire…

A new emerging N.E.C.civilization needs to have four pillars that are off-limits to capitalist exploitation:


2-housing: with a one or two houses per person initiative put in place ( end the casino speculation on homes). Everyone is conceded one- piece of private property. And yes, you can own as big a house as honest merit allows, but you only get to own one and a possible second.



Implied in the new Four Pillars is the end of usury; especially usury as a tool of predatorial economic behavior. I see this idea as a compromise in the long, bitter, futile war between Marx and the capitalists. But again, my prediction is ruin brought on by the capitalists. Here is why:

1)The Global Capitalists are continuing 500-years of imperialism. Islam is the new threat to their hegemony, so Islam needs taming just like the aboriginals, or anyone else that has gotten in the way of this beast. Also, a large part of globalism today is the security of the oligarchy and its energy infrastructures which consume enormous resources.

2) This form of Global Capitalism is powered by the biggest Ponzi scheme in history: fiat currency and fractional reserve lending. It is that aspect of the Globalist’s system which has created massive, unnecessary bureaucracy. Get rid of that system and you get rid of the unnecessary bureaucracies. I’m arguing for minimalist local representative councils working under the umbrella of The Four Pillars combined with trashing the current bureaucratic welfare system.

3) The free trading of goods and services should be juxtaposed to minimal exploitation of the earth’s resources and its life-forms. The present exploitative systems of capital were fine in 1850 but are unsustainable now. Can we please agree that pollution has deadly consequences for humans and other life-forms. Can we please educate ourselves on the laws of thermodynamics and come to understand that there are real natural boundaries on a finite planet with finite resources.

A non-debt New Earth Commons currency juxtaposed to a living dividend paid out to all people is a necessary condition for a sustainable future and this should be combined with food self-sufficiency on the community level as much as possible. This dividend would be received along with education on ecology, food self-sufficiency, and commerce/economics ( teach people humanity cannot do whatever it wants when it wants ). We need to end the literal WELFARE of a system that takes care of the top 10% first (welfare for the elite) while at the same time promoting austerity for 90% of the planet (the fighting for the left-over crumbs). This is the current modus-operandi of our political duopoly. 

On the western welfare states: it isn’t healthy or of much efficacy to give someone a few hundred bucks every month and tell them they are on their own. What any sane system would do is put in place an infrastructure where basic living needs are met juxtaposed to new education on how to reach higher potentialities. The truth is the current social safety net is all about supporting the intermediary bureaucrats and not about the effective utility of helping people meet their potential as humans. I suspect the system, as it is, was implemented by cynical misanthropes.

The New Earth Commons Civilization is the antidote!

We probably need to address what is known as the myth of progress with its various utopian end game theories. The theory suggests a schema of premodern, modern (around 1500 A.D.), and postmodern eras which cemented itself during the ’50s and ’60s. The first thing worth considering is that not everything premodern was irrational and illogical, and in fact; their way of keeping time via 30-day moon cycles was more coherent than our fractured Gregorian calendar. Having a direct relationship with the earth was in no way irrational either. So any corrective post-postmodern integration, at the very least, would need to discuss these particular issues.

As far as the Enlightenment and Industrial Capitalism: the sad truth is that there was a worm in the center of that apple and it was the sleight of hand of control of the money supply as the new covert method of controlling populations that seemingly replaced traditional monarchy, divine right, or church authority. I’m sure humanities stuck until we make a corrective like; a basic income; a citizens dividend, and perhaps even a complete overhaul of where and how to tax. Look into Henry George and the Land Value Tax. Look into Public Banking initiatives. The fact of the matter is that unnecessary coercion, exploitation, and force would need removing for a civilization to call itself post-postmodern, or integrated. One of the primary concerns here is to make sure that humanity’s culture is voluntary and not built upon the foundations of forced coercion. The Four Pillars would be the overarching schema but there wouldn’t be a centralized state authority as most of the initiatives would be localized and decentralized. A new model for education is a priority. Integration theory suggests that the tendency to reductionism within modernity needs to be addressed and challenged. So…

Education in a post-postmodern economy would not be for-profit and one of the primary areas of study would be a re-inquiry in the field of spirituality. Success here would mean the issue of financial corruption is removed as a possibility. We would also need new ways to test for non-bias and open objectiveness so a metric needs devising which isn’t prone to skewing results–so we don’t get pseudo-science as we have now in this field…This would also prevent Hindus from doing Hindu science, and Buddhists doing Buddhist science, and fundamentalist’s from doing bible science, etc. Now I get the modernists aren’t going to like this idea, but the sad truth is that humans are spiritual beings whether God exists or not, and the impulse towards spirituality is never going away, so a wise civilization would concede this truism and deal with it maturely and professionally. Moreover, one of the complete failures within the current malaise is the culture of mis/distrust, and that trust is broken between the elites and common people and a sincere academic attempt to study honestly, and with integrity, humanities most important queries is about one of the only things I can think of that would restore trust to a broken civilization; in fact, no future progress is possible without something like this happening. But perhaps modern academies consider the resurgence of Flat Earth theories and such a success? Please let me assure the academies: they’re relevant and are proof enough that you’re doing something WRONG!

It’s hard for me to imagine a more fragile civilization than the one late modernity has created– all built upon the near absolute need for electrical power and to have the financial system dependent on this seems like incredible folly to me. A post-postmodern corrective would be to teach humanity to become food self-sufficient again and by every means possible. Whether technical urban hydroponic farming or a return to educated homesteading laws and more; everything possible needs doing to mitigate the horrors of the lights going out for an extended period. To not do so is folly, IMO., especially given predictions of climate instability in the coming century.

I should note here that I’m a Christian Gnostic, so I don’t even believe that this place IS redeemable! Sorry, Hegelian’s:P But the irony with most gnostics is that we are some of the most outspoken people when it comes to wanting to alter our toxic living conditions. So I don’t believe we are moving towards some kind of grand Hegelian geist or its demented communist little brother wherein humanity will one day behave decently to each other. But I do think the left is correct in their assessment of liberal economic theory and the built-in contradictions within it. I also reject individualist neoliberal New Age economic solutions as the scale of the problems makes the issues systemic.

HERE is more on a similar theme riffin’ on the Leap Manifesto.

Occasionally I get into some creative writing:

The year: 1670

Location: the throne of the Lord of Karma situated beyond an immeasurable vast void that separates the material universe from spiritual godhead.

The Lord of Karma, ” The cries of the souls of the merchants, artists, and actors, musicians, and common people  are reaching unto thee, my Lord.” ” The Brahman priests and warriors have abused their authority for 10,000 years upon the Earth and the consequence of their indulgence has come unto thee.”

The Spirit of Godhead, ” I sanction thee to allow a re-balancing of the karma’s and see that the merchants, artists,  and actors, musicians, and the common people of the earth re-address the inequities of the priests and their warriors. ” ” See to it that the next 300 years on earth gives rise to equality of the merchants, artists,  and actors, and musicians, and common people. ”

The Lord of Karma, ‘ Your will be done, Sri!”

The year 1970:

The Lord of Karma, ” Your will has been implemented upon the earth, Sri; the merchants, artists,  and actors, musicians, and the common people have affected an amazing culture upon the earth; but the warriors and priests are planning a rebellion against your will and are plotting a plan that will start in 2001; this will give the balance of power back to the warriors and the priests upon the Earth.”

The Spirit of Godhead, “It is how it should be, oh, Lord of Karma, as all things must attain balance, equilibrium, and flow within the material universe’s according to natural law.” ” Oh, Lord of Karma, see to it in the next 100 years that all the castes upon the Earth fulfill their rightful and just balance upon the Earth; that they learn that there is an interconnectedness to all things within their life systems that strives for balance, equilibrium, and justice!”

The Lord of Karma, ” Your will be done, Sri!”

” Give a man a fish, a rod, and teach him how to fish!”

On the Universal Basic Income:

It need not be universal but minimum.

A UBI will be a waste of time if inflation isn’t factored in. Also, just giving people money is useless. The UBI should be implemented alongside wealth creation initiatives, and today those initiatives need to be green; it should be implemented with laws banning predatory usury against those making less than $24,000 U.S.; it should be coordinated with tax laws that exempt those under $24,000; it needs to reward and not punish the earning of merited income; these are minimum requirements for this idea not to be a complete and utter failure! I would add, also, that the mindset of the wealthy would need to change, too; as it pertains to those less fortunate! So the UBI ( or something like it) juxtaposed to green education and living practices alongside education about humanity’s human potential. Anything less than this is a waste of time!

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