Monthly Archives: June 2020

I misspoke a few times and meant Rothschild legacy rather than Rockefeller; but nevertheless, they are inextricably linked. As for Van life and the alleys: most of the alleys here cross frequently with streets so the corner areas of the alleys could be marked for Van life. So the Van-Lifers would be allowed to carefully pull into their designated spots but would not be able to drive into the alleys per se…



The primary focus of my blogging is exploring the question of How Shall We Live? In my, What Should A Climate Emergency Look Like, series, I suggested we will get the wrong implementation to that query. Civilization does need a new way of doing business and needs a solution for the masses at the bottom of the pyramid that doesn’t involve slavery and every type of economic predation juxtaposed to every imaginable unnecessary exploitation and coercion. WE DO NEED THIS! But it’s how we go about implementing it that is the real issue. And in that regard, the farce of the Covid-19 lockdown is an epic fail and manipulative disaster by our current ‘economic fascist’ nation-states–or, at least, the one’s who’ve implemented this backward lockdown. But let’s deal with some facts first. 

On average during the last 30-years, approximately  2500 children die a day in every imaginable misery possible and nation-states didn’t deem it necessary to shut down the world’s economy because of it. Alcohol and tobacco and substance abuse deaths per day in Canada are about 10 and that is well over the death toll of COVID which sits at about 7000 total deaths right now. So this worldwide economic lockdown premised on a strain of the ‘common cold virus’ which is lethal mostly to the elderly, and very young, was unnecessary and the worst over-reaction by the political elites in human history. 

The question, then, is was this arbitrary, random, and plain foolishness? Or, was it a part of a hidden agenda? For any thinking person, it’s the latter. So, what is the gig here? Well, in short, this was about protecting the structure of what I call the Unholy Trinity or the corporate economic-fascist transnational usury machine. All one has to do is follow the money and look to who benefits from this latest scam and heist of the commons. The corporations and their structure first and foremost as this wiped out most of the ‘mom and pop’ proprietors (including myself) who were simply trying to sketch out living separately from the corporate machine. It’s likely that if you need money now you’ll have to go to these predators to get it and that is no accident. 

It’s concretized the power of the political elites who have made a mockery of constitutions and civil rights and that is nowhere more evident then the current mass protests premised on racism or what should rightfully be called RAscalism. Got social distancing? NOPE! Don’t need it when the MSM promotes Cultural Marxism (Marxism devoid of economics) and identity politics which is 100% obfuscation and distraction away from the real issues. That isn’t to say humans are not racist but to ignore that the transnational plutocracy has thrown all the races together in an incredibly short period solely for-profit motives of the ‘economic fascist machine’ is sheer manipulative duplicity. 

Let me assure you that those controlling the strings of worldwide usury are on an unprecedented shopping spree buying up the wealth of the commons once again, at pennies on the dollar, and that is once again another unprecedented heist. And those fingers typing money into existence at the Fed and other central banks is nothing short of another way to line their pockets at the expense of future generations–so it’s a tax on those not even born yet– which goes to the sheer narcissistic selfishness and pathology of those pulling the money-strings at the top of the pyramid. 

I’ve said in past blogs that our political machine only serves and exists to maintain the corrupt structure at the top of the civilizational pyramid. One can read my, What Is Neoliberalism, in that regard. I’ve suggested that there are four primary pathologies that they are attempting to maintain control of and keep out of the public discussion, and they do this by obfuscation and distraction (among other tactics). 

  1. turning private property into usurious speculation and having the crown and government ‘steal’ and control the land primarily for their corporate resource extractions. 
  2. concomitant with this theft of the commons was the severing of people from their food production abilities which in reality made humanity dependent on the corporate nation-state to survive.
  3. the dumbing down of the masses via a corrupt education system and what is now arguably a usurious Hackedemia. Don’t get me on Hollywood, Wall St., and the MSM in that regard.
  4. ensuring the upper three create the most unhealthy and sick, addicted, mentally ill citizens as humanly possible. 

One can see three blogs I’ve written that address these issues.

What Should A Healthy Spiritual Economics Look Like? 

The Four Pillars Of A New Earth Commons. 

The Winter Solstice Golden Rule. 

                       “I know what you’re against, Andrew, but what are you for?”

Or, #BOO@6.66PM!

The Christian Churches worldwide should do a counter to the Kabbalist 7 PM B.S.!

Boo to the Kabbalist’s (Trump Inc.) and the Marxist’s (Soro’s Inc.) who are in the process of destroying Christendom! Boo to their usurious economics; boo to their rent-seeking; boo to their Ponzi Schemes; boo to their Pyramid Schemes; boo to their theft of your labor via a rediculous tax on income to pay for the usurious creation of their debt currency; boo to their porn; boo to their ubiquitous use of violence to get their childish ways; boo to spending 5-trillion on wars for Israel since 911; boo to their response to 911; boo to their fake media and psychological operations on humanity; boo to shutting down civilization because of a cold virus; boo to their dismissal of about 2500 children dying e.v.e.r.y. s.i.n.g.l.e. d.a.y. in every kind of misery imaginable while at the same time implementing global fascism over the past 100-years; boo to their union of corporatism with the nation-state (fascism); boo to their surveillance state; boo to their police state; boo to their Military Industrial Complex; boo to Hollywood’s predictive programming; boo to loading up your communities with proxy warriors intent on destroying Christendom’s cultures; boo to the largest theft of the commons ever to take place (Corona P(l)andemic)and using media to say the real issue is racism; boo to hiring agent provocateurs to further manipulate their agenda; really, just boo @666 for every rotten, lousy, manipulation they’ve enacted since they’ve wrestled control of civilization from all those who are decent and caring human beings who just want to live their lives in peace without undue coercion or exploitation.

And BOO to their fake vaccine which will ‘magically’ appear by this winter after unsuccessful attempts over the past 100-years at creating one that works against these types of (common virus’)…

And BOO to them turning the teachings of Christ into what I call the Carnival Barker Grift Show’ that is American Christianity…

Here is what I am for:

Please see my four-part series on ‘What Should A Healthy Spiritual Economics Look Like?’

I didn’t touch on what a ‘Debt Amnesty With Integrity’  should look like in that series so I’ll muse on that here for a moment. I concede that, for the notion to work, it would take people being honest about the debts they are in.

It’s going to be quicker and easier to work backward here. If someone feels the debt they owe came about with no undue influence; coercion; or exploitation, and they honestly feel that they were under no undue systemic pressure to take on debt then they should pay their debt back under the agreed-upon terms–if they have the means to do so.

BUT, if someone honestly feels that the debt they were in came about via treachery, coercion, exploitation, systemic pathology in finance, then they have an argument for debt amnesty based on integrity. I can guess that people who are forced into debt via sickness and such have a good argument for debt amnesty via integrity. I won’t go into all the possible scenarios where this might be the case as the blog would be never-ending. But, you might get the point I’m getting at.

One last point: when governments make it LAW that one cannot work and exchange their goods and services then a Debt Amnesty With Integrity DEMANDS that current debt is discharged as the goodwill of the system has been compromised; although a corrupt legal system has abandoned the ethics within Contract Law–one of the primary tenets IS goodwill and that both parties benefit from the agreement. Clearly, this isn’t the case under this current worldwide travesty enacted by usurious controlled governments…I tackled the issue of who is being given Special Privilege under the Virus Emergency…HERE

I’m, generally speaking, not a fan of ‘universalist’ ideas. Even in my Four Pillars Of A New Earth Commons, I don’t argue for the abolition of usurious capitalism. I only argue that there should be four areas put off-limits to the worst impulses of capitalism: HOMES, FOOD, EDUCATION, AND HEALTHCARE…



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