Monthly Archives: August 2022
They are two opposing views within the spectrum of spirituality as humans have come to assess it over the past 5000-years or so. Materialism is the philosophy of the Hylics with all its incoherency. It is also the primary philosophy of the Demiurge as this place is its property. The God of the material world is not at all opposed to materialist ideology–this shouldn’t be too difficult to grasp. When intersected with the Torah these ideas become a clusterfuck. Yahweh or Yaldabaoth did not create spirit and it was Sophia and Zoe who brought the material man to life.
Life in the Van and my gnostic version of the classic CROSSROADS and the industry will hate what I’ve done with this. Telling the truth in lyric is simply not acceptable within this construct!
‘the moving unmoved or 2+2=3′
HERE is a link to his blog, One C0smos…
I first surfed across his blog about 10-years ago and found it via the Integral/Wilber sites.
Awesome writing style and he definitely has a way with words!
He seems to sit in the School camp while I sit in the Asylum camp! Don’t chuckle too hard on that one Bob! ’Twas like taking a bottle toke while someone told a really good joke and your lungs end up all over everything! They say timing is everything.
The linked blog is called, God, the Unemerged Emergent. He’s riffing on Gnosticism and that’s why I’m writing this one. His theism also seems to be framed within ‘the god of the philosophers’ mixed with spiritual philosophies of the Orient. I get it but it’s not the only option.
Clearly, Bob is a modernist, to the degree that he’s alive and writing in the 21st century; with its concomitant technological prowess, combined with a few hundred years of scientific research into the nature of things. Any person citing or claiming ties to Gnosticism today has to deal with these facts. But it isn’t as neat and tidy as some make it out to be–certainly scientific inquiry became a joke on Sept. 12, 2001. And the Google fact-check section is just as inane: letting the mafia check-facts isn’t the best idea of all time–we’ve entered an era of what could be dubbed ‘international spam’...Of course, in the upside-down inversion we live in, the truth of this blog will be considered spam, while the perps @ BOOG EL will be considered ever so special and beyond questioning (or law). That aside, the academic establishment refuses to accept or understand that our existence is one of quarantine and no different than what we do with our asylums here. This refusal to accept our reality will skew all their theories on the nature of things.
I think I’ve argued substantially on this website that *Spiritual Gnosis predates Christianity by millennia and had its roots in Egyptian Spirituality. It’s true, though, that in some sects of Christian Gnosticism the Demiurge (Ptah in Memphis) became synonymous with Satan or the Devil–usually associated with the Torah God Yahweh. We see this association at St Peter’s (PTAH’S) Square with the (Zi) ON obelisk placed there–the obelisk is from Heliopolis which means the great desert city known as ON in Egypt. The primary understanding of the Christian Gnostics was that the Demiurge was ‘only’ the architect of material existence and not the source god of spirit. THIS blog and THIS blog goes into this a bit more and here is a tidbit from the reference source:
It is clear that the Gnostics appreciated the linguistic reflection of the cosmos into a lower demiurgic realm of false stories and a higher realm of true insight. In this study I do not intend to simply posit Egyptian historical antecedence for foundational dualist/emanationist views and leave it at that; rather, I am proposing that a large amount of direct historical connectedness in the lineage of this mode of Egyptian philosophical/theological thought is in fact the case. While the physical body belongs to sensible creation, the spiritual elements originate from on high, from the intelligible sphere of cosmic intelligence. When released from the physical, the Ba and Akh (generally, the psyche and pneuma) return to their spiritual originator. A point to be made here is that this special nature of humankind does not come from the demiurge, but from the highest theogonic levels of the Creator. The special nature of humankind is thus a key element in the rise of later Gnostic sects, for in itself it anticipates the contradiction of higher and lower originations.
Daniel Richard McBride
So Bob’s ‘sense making’ is framed within modern evolutionary theories and one of the primary ideas is Emergence. My blog Base Reality linked HERE. To my thinking Strong Emergence is nothing other than science merged with magic–in other words bullshit! So I reject it. The closest I’ll get is some type of Weak Emergence, but I’d only add that we don’t know. These issues are tied into what Chalmers calls The Mind/Body Problem along with the not so friendly idea that science has no access to ‘the spiritual realms’ at this time. So there is inherent dualism within two spheres here with the dualism of mind and matter and, the dualism of the material universe and the spiritual universe that science has no access to. Of course, modernists hate these dualisms because if it’s not testable it doesn’t exist! And you thought consciousness exists! HAHA-zombies indeed…Thankfully Dannyboy is likely wrong. But that doesn’t mean the non dual schools are right. But yes, of course I get the reason why modernists are so attached to various types of Monist theories. Ain’t meannin’ theyz right though! Bartender, “I’ll have a Double Dualist!”
I’m rather unique in that I call our locale the ‘demiurgic construct’ and the mind of the demiurge is instantiated within it. It’s a deeply flawed mind but I’m not saying anything that the Samkhya schools didn’t say 4000-years ago. There is a big difference, though, between my Christian Gnostic view and the views commonly held in Vedic schools when it comes to Purusha or ‘spirit consciousness’. All those neat little psychedelic trips are nothing but avenues within the mind-matrix (panpsychism) of the Wizard Of Oz (demiurge) –and that goes for most of the claims of meditation, too, IMO…See my Manas, Biddhis, and Siddhis, blog.
Common delineations of humans in gnostic thought end up with three primary categories: the Hylics (materialists), the Psychics (those with a ‘weak’ spiritual gnosis), and the Pneumatics (spiritual masters). His blog coughs up a modern theory on the idea of these master adepts. For the record, I self-describe as an ‘agnostic Gnostic,’ which likely puts me in the Psychic camp although I have a different view on it than the one he suggests in his blog (like really different). I’m agnostic on who and what the gods really are but I’m 100% pure-blood Christian Gnostic; especially when it comes to the material world and its horrors, while finding the ‘demiurgic construct’ to be the most plausible explanation for why things are the way they are here. Gash dang it this is not the time to mention those pesky sociopathic avatars from the KENoma realm….
Here’s the thing: the Christian Gnostics were premodern (not a swear word) spiritual emanationist’s–this matters. Although I get where he’s coming from it doesn’t really work in the same way that meditation is not the science of mind. The closest one can get is a type of archetypal energetic pantheism like the Egyptians practiced (which more or less ended up as Kabbalah). Could be but true Christian Gnostics still hold to the dualism of the Pleroma/material universe (the latter property of the demiurge) divide. It’s true though that we are natural skeptics and value reason and logic–it’s why we reject Judaism and Catholicism and Islam–but we are not opposed to and are rather fond of speculative metaphysics. We’re just rare in that we are honest about our framing and not arrogant dogmatists seeking societal control.
And then there is politics. Christian Gnostics want as little to do with archon structures of control as possible–which basically leaves us destitute in todays world but that was not always the case in eras when we abided as communities. All the many trajectories of The Jewish Question, with its obsession with world power and politics and, control of all nations was not something we could organize against: we’ve been sheep to the slaughter for many millennia in that specific regard. And it’s simply NOT Gnosis in any way that is meaningful if those citing spiritual gnosis refuse to deal with and talk publicly about the J.Q. I do and it has cost me everything. And who do you think the puppeteers are going to be for this ‘new-world-religion’? The opposite of pneumatic from the perch I sit on.
HERE is a map of an accurate gnostic politics. So much for the myth of progress. The last Israeli archon-leader said, and I quote, “the world will not see peace until Israel does!” **So basically a declaration of war against the nations. And the current archon-leader says “we’ve done nothing wrong.” Put those two quotes together and I don’t see how any rational person can think any of this is going to end well. And why pretend that the economies of the world are anything other than the religion of Judaism today which by their own admission is the religion of money. And, by the way, Douglas Reed pointed out that Jews today are allowed to say anything they like about whomever they like and he made a point, specifically, saying, ‘they have the only free-press on earth today’; but the heavens forbid anyone critique them, while, at the same time, they are relentless in their critiques of anyone of anything they disagree with.
NOTE*: I’m specifically referencing the spiritual gnostic idea of a flawed demiurge who’s the god of the material world and has the sparks of true spirit imprisoned in this existence. This is not the view of the Vedas nor that of Zoroastrianism. This is what makes Christian Gnosticism somewhat unique. If Alex Jones is what Miles Mathis says he is then the term Prison Planet was no accident but a revealing of the truth from a controlled opposition agent. Humanity is being trolled (and farmed)…The other primary understanding of the Christian Gnostics is that Christ isn’t the son of Yahweh or Elohim or whatever one wants to call the god of the Torah. So Christ wasn’t genetically Jewish–see Docetism.
One of my primary points of contention when it comes to Israeli Intelligence Inc.(Youtube and media in general) is their intentional muddying of the waters when it comes to the issue of what GNOSIS is. All their many agents insist that baseball is really golf! So they want to redefine the core essence of what baseball is (gnosis for this analogy) and insist that, because in both games the players carry sticks, it’s the same game! Sorry, differences matter and are of importance. Mysticism is not Gnosticism!
NOTE**: America and Russia have been proxy warriors from the start of their existence. Shortly after the first quote (see above) Russia moved on the chessboard of dis-civilization. They’re built right into the name Je RUS USA lem…There ya go: there’s a Timbit of TRUE gnosis from Conspiracy Lane!
2024 UPDATE: I’ve moved away from the dualism within human consciousness studies and now sit in the dual-aspect monism camp as I now think mind is fully instantiated/embedded within the material demiurgic construct. But I remain a dualist when it comes to the demarcation between Purusha and Prakriti or Pleroma (god consciousness) and this material construct (Prakriti)…
Gnosis in music and my comment below.
No one in their right mind with functional critical thinking skills would say that the ‘demiurgic construct’ is anything other than amazing. But the spirit that preceded this construct is still imprisoned within it and is being used as food for the archons that control the time-loop block universe. Over and over….
I’ll cover ground (again) on the claims of THIS video. Well, it’s a whole page of links on the same theme.
Basically, Enoch is the story (fan-fiction) of *rebellious angels (no such thing) which suggests and iterates as fact that angels bred with humans. Now, in my view, this sort of happened, but this has to do with the rape of *Eve by Yaldabaoth’s archons. Apparently, according to one gnostic cosmology, there were 365 archons who fashioned the human body although they couldn’t endow it with life, apparently: that took Sophia and Zoe—a long story. Anecdote: in 2021 I fractured my right ankle under very strange circumstances. In one of the gnostic versions, it’s said that the archon AOL fashioned the right ankle. Within 24 hours of gleaning this tidbit of spiritual gnosis a car pulled up in front of me with the business name ‘Aeolian Aerial Surveying’…Quite strange in the coincidence department.
These videos cover the claims of what happened on ** Mt. Hermon which sits at about 33-degrees latitude just north of Israel today. It’s said it was the place where these rebellious angels interbred with humans and taught them metalwork, weaponry, cosmetics and fashion for women, astrology, etc., etc. It’s worth noting that significant scripture in this book is taken from Deuteronomy 33. All those 33s are starting to sound a heck of a lot like Freemasonry with its endless B.S.
Do some research on the strangeness, in general, associated with the 33rd latitude; not to mention the 33 sections of the human spine. The archons know everything about humans and the construct that we abide in–likely over and over and over. The link above covers the 33-flip on the other side of the earth: the UFO town Roswell. A creation of Intel. Inc. for sure and note the EL in the name. They can’t help themselves.
The problem here isn’t so much these teachings; which are more or less true, in so far as it was archon involvement with humans that taught humanity these skills and gave us this knowledge. The problem is that there is a whole host of presuppositions, theologically speaking, that are incoherent and down right irrational for this particular narrative to be true. I’ve covered this many times before so here are some links HERE HERE and HERE.
This story is predicated on Noah and The Flood: these stories are fictions of the Archons. So in one sentence, we can dismiss this narrative as more of the same spiritual disinformation. And for those of you who think the Noah fiction gambit is over? NOPE! It’s only just begun, folks…Soon the whole earth will have to live under this delusion via the Seven Laws given to someone who didn’t exist. But why stop our critique here when there is so much more to disprove?
So let’s start with the root of all this mischief: Judaism’s spiritual claims and primary tenets. In a strange way, they are right when they say the angels (messengers) can’t rebel if one interprets that as Archons doing what they do by nature: sowing chaos and destruction. So that covers the claims of Judaism within the context that angels are messengers with no free will: so the usual flip.
See my Judaism Is Egyptian Spirituality blog where I show beyond all reasonable doubt that Judaism borrowed the spirituality of Egypt for most of its primary tenets; although, of course, they borrowed from other sources, also. Not only is there no proof that Noah existed; but there is also no proof that Moses did either. In my research, I side with those who say that Moses, David, and Solomon were really generations of Egyptian Pharaohs of the 18th Dynasty 33-centuries ago! Aces and Eights (CHAI)…I won’t cover this ground again here other than to say it’s no accident that Judaism, as we’ve come to know it, has its written and historic roots shortly after the 18th Egyptian dynasty.
If this version were true, from the view of Judaism, then it must be that it’s Judaism’s god (whoever that is) that is orchestrating it as Isaiah clearly states that God is responsible and co-ordinates ALL good and ALL evil. So one has to reject this scripture in total if they want to assert this narrative via Judaism. So these angels are acting as instructed much like Satan did in the Book Of Job.
It’s worth pointing out that there are few (or next to no) rabbis who espouse this specific metaphysics. Of course, there is the ‘carnival barker grift’ show of the Jews For Jesus crowd who refuse to critique corrupt economics and are more or less solely interested in trademarking the jesus character for religious business practices. The Jewish Jesus, is, after all, the great usurer in the sky! The god of money that is to say and the first question that Yahweh asks the Jews when they die is how they handled their KA$H…Again, I’m only repeating tenets within Judaism.
And then there is Kabbalah which asserts that Enoch became Metatron. Okay, but that is the end of any union of Judaism and Christianity, as Kabbalah overwhelmingly rejects any version of Christ. Although it’s true there are some (very few) Christian Kabbalists. I’ve even suggested I find this view at least interesting as it would then cover the ground of this Jewish Jesus of The Left Hand Path (whom I reject) as Judaism’s second Messiah who will lead the Gentiles to perdition. Adam Green covers this all the time and again I think he’s right about it.
There are even Christian sects that believe Satan is the Left Hand Of God, and this is similar to the idea that Samael is Jesus as Satan. I’ve suggested that this is the serpent/lion personification of Yaldabaoth. See Decode Your Reality on the reincarnation time-loop where he covers this ground and ‘proves’ this Jesus fellow is Yaldabaoth (and Lucifer) of what I call the ‘demiurgic template’. And, as an aside: too funny that the band RUSH is taken from the Hebrew spelling of Jerusalem and the band YES taken from Yeshua. So who is Jon ANDERSON? Anderson was the dude who created the recycle logo and no accident that the name was used for NEO in The Matrix: Mr. Anderson…Do these names point to who gets promoted in the music industry? Maybe… ask Miles Mathis if that is a YES?
The political and economic Messiah of Third Temple Judaism cannot permit Gentiles to survive as anything other than slaves to the Jews. This isn’t me saying this; I’m simply repeating what’s taught by the Rabbis and Jewish Believers. So, in either case, I reject both versions of this messiah figure. The Aeon Christ of the Christian Gnostics was neither Jewish nor cared for anything to do with Yaldabaoth’s false religion with its replicant gods.
So the video linked above is a Christianized version of Judaism. It’s the usual incoherence in that Jesus, for whatever reason, was dishonest enough to lie to Moses about his Triune nature (a sin of omission by the gods). There is little evidence of a historical Jewish Jesus as written in the gospels although I believe some kind of cosmic drama did play out in that era between Yaldabaoth and the Aeon Christ. See the Gnostic gospels of Judas and Peter and the ideas of DOCETISM. So with any Christian version of this story, we get the double-treachery of lies upon deception! Not a very good foundation when it comes to parsing out what is true or not when it comes to metaphysics.
Roman Christianity was created, in part, as a means of deleting (murdering among other tactics) the Christian Gnostics and Marcionites, and other gnostic sects, who correctly understood the nature of Yahweh: in my view the Israeli War Archon. So it’s entirely consistent that an elite group of Jews created this version to protect the character/storyline of the Old Testament and its god/s–so Roman/Jewish ELITE bloodlines and descendants of the 18th dynasty.
One of the most interesting aspects of this religious Psy-Op is who they made Satan: Yaldabaoth’s mother Sophia was turned into the Christian devil–known as Lucifer in Christianity. This doesn’t necessarily mean that it was Sophia in the G.O.E. story; that was likely Lilith…And if the Gnostics are right that the Demiurge was hung on a cross, then, at the same time, they (the archons) put in place a mechanism for the Gentiles to worship their dead god. Incredibly cunning and incredibly effective.
A note here that I first read Enoch in the late 80’s along with The Lost Books Of Adam And Eve; along with books like Jubilees, and many others. In other words, I ‘exhausted’ any and all reading material I could find on this subject well before the days of the internet factoring in that I don’t have access to private libraries when it comes to this narrative.
NOTE*: to be specific Angels or Aeons cannot rebel. Sophia, however, was the only Aeon who had the qualities of learning by trial and error and she did err when Yaldabaoth the Demiurge was created, but that wasn’t an act of rebellion. Archons, on the other hand, are rebels by nature as they were created by the Father Of Lies: Yaldabaoth. So they only do what is in their nature. It’s disputed within Gnostic metaphysics whether the archons can be redeemed which implies free will. It’s said that Sabaoth repented when Sophia revealed the truth of Christ and it now resides on the Eighth (premodern astrological metaphysics). So maybe they can repent.
The story of the Watchers (Semjaza and Azazel) and Mt. Hermon likely has its roots in the ‘reality’ of the Archon Rape of Eve which I think happened on a higher-dimensional earth. This view comes from ‘emanationist’ metaphysics. That is to say that at one point the earth was less dense than it is today and has fallen into its lowest possible density via the actions of the archons. So, in a sense, the fall of man is true, if you think of it as the fall of earth into lower densities and caused by the bad behavior (but natural to them) of the demiurge and the archons.
NOTE**: we see the usual cherry-picking of scripture here. He quotes many times from Isaiah but doesn’t quote Isaiah when it says that it’s GOD THAT DOES ALL THINGS implying that there is no free-will as GOD is the director of EVERYTHING in our movies. He does trip up though and says it’s god that will send the evil angels to earth to deceive the WHOLE world at the end of days. But he should look up the meaning of WHOLE! I guess there is no way he can be deceived, eh? A point that if the cosmology that I’m presenting in my blog were true (or very close) then this devil (Yahweh) has pretty much deceived the whole world as there are incredibly few Gnostics alive today that KNOW the Judaic god as the devil. Most gnostics on Youtube are apologists for this ‘devil god’.