Monthly Archives: May 2023
My thoughts, for what they are worth on this Youtube channel.
Any quick perusal of this/my website would find quite easily why I’m doing this one.
First, let me say that I agree with her (see below) on more than a few issues surrounding spirituality but it’s where we disagree that is the motivation for this blog.
One of the comments on this video suggested she might be co-intel: counter-intelligence program. So an asset or agent within the intelligence community. I’ve covered this one for a long time and called this The Department of Spiritual Propaganda. I coined this around 2008 at the end of a 7-year study of Wilber’s Integral Theory–so this assessment is not at all new to me. I’ll likely come across as Charlie Brown here whining to Lucy on this one but is there anyone who is NOT an Intel. agent when it comes to spirituality and economics on Youtube?
Okay, GG=77, and Young is a Peerage name for anyone that follows Miles Mathis’ writings. Hey Miles, buddy, just soz ya know: John Wick faked his death:-P
The thing that bothers me is she frames her dialogue mostly within Gnostic spirituality but she omits common naming which could be argued as a way to muddy already very murky waters. Examples? There are two primary categories of beings in the gnostic traditions: Archons who are planetary rulers and Aeons who pre-existed in this material universe. But she rarely uses these words as descriptions and that is important because it helps us delineate who is who even if speculative. You see, Christ is not an Archon, but her framing of *Christ makes him one–she associates Christ with the archon Venus and with the demiurgic sun. So the personification of these objects that surround us on earth. Yes, I agree with her to a point on that issue but not on the who of it (more below).
In my view, this is a rather serious error and one no serious researcher would make. So why does she? Likely because of her primary sources of information–Theosophy and Rudolph Steiner. I’ve read enough of Blavatsky to know where she is coming from and in my view, she was an intelligence asset as per mentioned above. I haven’t read much Steiner but I am a layman expert on the Jewish Question within philosophy and spirituality so this alone would make me very skeptical of Steiner, but to be fair I would have to read his works. In this video, she gets as close as I’ve heard her in naming Jewish influence when she rightfully mentioned her take on The Chosen One’s religion but she never addresses the J. Q. directly. It could be because she knows that would end her channel or it could be for other reasons (ahem).
You see, the demiurgic construct that we reside in is the home and abode of the archons and is something that they rightfully own– at least in a sense. So what she is describing, in error, at least to a degree, are the entities that control this existence and likely the reincarnation template. Her Christ, in my view, is Thoth and Osiris, from Egyptian lore, and these are archons and not Aeons. In my cosmological view, the Aeons pre-existed long before this demiurgic construct, and gnostic writings named the place the Pleroma. This is the residence of the True Aeon Christ while the one she describes resides within our existence as archons. It’s an easy error when one understands that the RCC was a creation and continuation of Egyptian mythology. See THIS blog. And see my Judaism is Egyptian Spirituality.
Of course, we have to ask why this is important. Well, because of end-time Third Temple Judaism which will ‘prove’ this Thoth/Messiah of hers is really a fake–otherwise known as the antichrist in many Christian schools. The problem here, as it relates to Gigi, is that if Judaism is false (it is in my view) then both Christianity and Islam are false (they are in their normal iterations). There is simply little evidence for the Jesus character written about in the Bible nor is there much evidence for a historical Muhammad. So why quote and treat them as written when it would be more truthful to find alternative explanations for who they were that don’t involve spiritual contortionism? Search this website for a ton of info./knowledge on that question.
Where we agree:
That alien E.T. theories are propaganda and humanity is really dealing with spiritual archons. That the drive and obsession with A.I. and the technocracy are motivated by hylic materialists who are overwhelmingly Jewish today. There are endless movies on this theme now and we all know who drives Hollywood. At one point in cosmological time, the earth was less dense and it was this higher aspect earth where the archon story of Adam and Eve took place. In my view that whole story is the work of the archons as it is presented in the Torah.
I guess I should mention that I’m agnostic on the Atlantis, Lemuria, and Epoch issues. She is not the first to cough up this view as it is a primary trope within the Urantia book. It could be and I’d agree that Hackedemia isn’t giving us much truth when it comes to our origins.
I will likely add to this as time passes.
NOTE*: whenever I use small case j or c it is a marker for the false demiurgic jesus who I believe was Ceasarion (see link above) Also see Jesus Among the Julio-Claudians by Charles N. Pope at The Domain of Man site…
May 30th Update.
HERE is a link to Steiner’s cosmology dissecting his view on the 8th…In brief: the usual fetishism (see Integral Theory too in that regard) of the concept of evolution is linked with the usual mess that is the Vedas when put in the hands of Western intelligence agents. And a whole host of metaphysical assertions without one ounce of qualifying the metaphysics as speculative–this is one of the hallmarks of BS.
HERE is a Wiki link to the Christian Gnostic view of the Kenoma which is as close as I would get to her views on the 8th.
HERE is a link where Wes Penre covers the ground on the 8th and 9th.
HERE a general overview of gnostic thought.
Please note that it is only Gigi aligned with Steiner that holds a negative view of the 8th. Should we ask WHY?
Well, that answer is speculative, too. But as a guess, I would suggest for the same reasons the ARCHONS have blackwashed Sophia throughout history–because she is the mother of the demiurge (see Kenoma link above). So, it seems the same smearing is involved by these archontic agents when it comes to the residence of the Aeons. Please note what I’m saying here: that the fall of Lucifer is taken from the narratives surrounding The Fall of Sophia. You see, in Judaism, it is simply not possible for angels to fall and a jewish jesus rabbi could never have taught such a contradiction to a religion he supposedly created according to the N.T. Again, I’ve many blogs along this line of inquiry. But it is worth asking why this Yahweh as Jesus LIED to Abraham and Moses? A lie of omission about its true nature (trinity)to be sure, but a lie nevertheless.
The only answer I’ve ever come across that answers that question without the usual contortionism is my view on Christian Gnosticism. And come on people put your thinking caps on Third Temple Judaism is all about Yahweh and fulfilling the injunctions of Yahweh. So jesus should have absolutely ZERO problems with this end-time narrative, but clearly, the N.T. does take issue with it–more contortionism but the fog clears when one understands that the N.T. was controlled opposition. The answer to the contradiction? Yahweh is not the Father the Aeon Christ spoke of but is, in reality, the ARCHON WAR GOD OF ISRAEL, and in my view the Archon of Saturn, which is linked to the moon and the reincarnation template. And yes, the moon is where Judaism gets its lunar timekeeping/calendar from along with Saturn=Saturday/Sabbath.
I should mention that I’m sympathetic to the Valentinian cosmology but ultimately reject it because I don’t really want an Aeon Christ looking so compromised and acting like a banker which is pretty well what we get with the solar Christ theory–and with Jews for jesus Judaism.
What to do when you live in the woods?
I’m commenting on THIS video by a Jewish person who is giving his opinion on this HIS story. It’s a MUST WATCH in my view.
The good first. He says he is a Jewish Christian and he was entirely correct in saying that usury is evil and is economic weaponization against the Gentile nations. I should note that he’s the FIRST Jewish Christian I’ve come across who states correctly and emphatically that usury is evil. The overwhelming percentage of Jews believe the injunctions only apply to Jewish on Jewish transactions. So I give him credit on that point and I’m 64 so one Jewish Christian over that span of time isn’t exactly something to write home about.
He also asserts correctly what the Jews control today. Rather than repeat myself I’ll cough up this recent blog. But it’s extremely important to know that they’ve wrestled control of all the earth’s nations over the past 500 years. Therefore they control the political sphere in almost all countries via the money-power. In that last link, there is a link to Jewish control of China using the exact same tactics as they used on Russian peasants–namely the weaponization of VICE.
Yes, the Jews control Russia. But in my view they created it and that would never fit into his programming–or, they’ve controlled it since Christianity arrived–as they did America (same thing). Here is the code: Je RUS USA lem. The creation of America by the Jews is easier to prove as it was done via Freemasonry. The Fourth of July is 47 which is code for Yahweh. He does get to Freemasonry in Russia but asserts it as a late addition. Nonetheless, from a Christian Gnostic view, Christianity in its normative iteration is Jewish in that it teaches people to worship the Jewish god–so where Christianity ended up those nations forfeited their prior theological status and became Jewish proxy States–see Adam Green on this point.
Arguably, the Russians were well aware of Gnostic lore as Peter The Great (St. Petersburg [burg is a Jewish referent] think Steinberg) is ripped directly from PTAH who was the demiurge figure– Tekton/Architect/Craftsman– and Peter acted this out as he describes, along with the consistent theme of demonizing Sophia (mother of the demiurge) in various narratives. So a wash, rinse repeat of Peter/Ptah and the creation of the RCC which also turned Sophia into an enemy. So, again, the demonization of the mother of the demiurge.
Okay…the in-between. Comments are blocked which points to an intelligence agency/asset so this isn’t some random commoner-blogger giving his opinion. The video also seems to be anonymous which also points to Intel. If anyone knows who this is then please correct me. On his tone? Excessively sure of himself which in my view is a type of manipulation. I have no affiliation with the Bitchute channel that posted the video. I don’t think it was this channel that made the video.
This leads me to the real critique in that he never questions the Torah narrative and presupposes all the history therein as fact. I’ve said many times that there is one core common denominator along this line of inquiry and it’s the most destructive lie in HIS story: that Christ was a Jew who taught that his father was Yahweh. This is the one line of inquiry that has been blocked by the Jews for close to 2000 years and murder and mayhem have been the modus-operandi that ushered in the extermination of all those who taught that Christ was not a Jew and was teaching others that Yahweh was the father he referenced–he did not, in my view, and nothing could be further from the truth. I’ll link all my blogs on this theme at the end. But the Marcionite Church and more than a few sects of Christian Gnostics (ahem) also taught that the Old and New Testaments are incompatible–all disposed of by Jewish interests. I’ll link HERE what they’ve done to me over 30 years.
He parrots all the official narratives on the Jews but these stories make little sense as they’ve controlled the money-power since the 18th Dynasty in Egypt. Again, one is not a downtrodden homeless beggar when one has controlled the money-power for 33 centuries. And again, the temple of Solomon is a replica of the temple in Egypt. See my Judaism Is Egyptian Spirituality. And visit the cultural writings of one Miles Mathis who has shown beyond all reasonable doubt that Jewish Royals have controlled civilization for millennia. These royals created these religions as tools of societal control and they deconstruct them and reconstruct them at whim depending on societal conditions in any given era. I also believe they have planned what might be called The Grand Finale! That is to say, all their religious projects will culminate in a one-world order of religious control via Third Temple Judaism and the implementation of the Noahide Law System which will be juxtaposed to a one-world finance system. So Christianity still can’t figure out what the devil is even with explicit warnings.
On his critique of Liberalism. In some ways, I do agree as it was Jewish-controlled with an agenda. But words matter and I, like Miles Mathis, am a Liberal Theist in that I think freedom is paramount. I am also a Secularist as natural theocracies implemented by man and not by any god/s via open public supernaturalism is a recipe for deception and enslavement (see above about The Grand Finale of Judaism) which will all come about with not one IOTA of supernatural demonstration, IOW’s, it will be strictly Jewish manipulation of civilization. But his documentation of specific societal manipulation via Liberalism was manipulation writ large and I agree with him there.
On his version of the creation of Islam: see the long talks by Walter Veith (not an endorsement per se). In his presentations, he shows strongly that Islam was a creation of the RCC and was implemented as another avenue of protecting the lie that Yahweh is God: (IAO/YAH) is an ARCHON. Christ is an AEON! Different levels of metaphysics with the Archons controlling 7 dimensions of materiality while the Aeons populate the 8th and 9th spiritual ‘planes’. Christ predates Yahweh in cosmological time. Think of *Yahweh as the Archon of Saturn which rules the reincarnation template along with the why of the Hebrew Sabbath. Nonetheless, Islam reinforces Judaism as does the RCC. Islam was also about control of the Arab people. But it was Jewish Royals who ruled via stealth that was behind all of these creations.
On Hitler: see Miles Mathis.
So the Nazis created the most massive failure in all of HIS story. See the movie The Blues Brothers for how our friends view them in our era. But it was Jewish interests that won every single aspect of 20th-century wars.
Perhaps the truth is that NAZI came from Ashkenazi and National Socialism was really a play on National Zionism. Has the fog cleared?
Okay, YES! The world would be a spectacularly better place if every Jewish person adopted his stance on Christianity. But it would also be spectacularly better if all Christians were Christian Gnostics instead of the carnival barker grift show that Christianity has become today (intentional, in my view).
NOTE*: The Book Of Revelation makes even less sense when we see that it depicts Third Temple Judaism as the avenue of deception of the world. If Yahweh is the father of Christ then this should be absolutely zero problem. I’d suggest this is the replicant Jesus/Messiah known as the Anti-Christ but in reality is just another iteration of Yaldabaoth. Yes, Christians will have some counter-arguments along this line but if they thought it through honestly they would have to concede that Christ was deceptive towards the Jews for not revealing its Triune nature right from the get-go when it (god) was interacting with the patriarchs. Of course, from a Christian Gnostic perspective, those stories are fictional deceptions, so that explains that.
If I do not the works of my father, believe me not. But if I do, though you believe me not, believe the work: that ye may know; and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.
Christ and the Father are against usury! But Yahweh is clear that it is well for the Hebrews to commit usury against the Gentile nations! It can’t be more clear that Yahweh was not the father Christ spoke about…TWO DIFFERENT GODS AND RELIGIONS.
Justin Stalin in CAINada now wants to send anyone who criticizes his corrupt rule to the new gulags for life! So this is a life sentence for thinking! In reality, you have committed no crime but have just voiced thoughts that Justin Stalin DOES NOT LIKE! It’s called Bill C63 and the so-called hate speech laws have been snuck into a bill that protects children and punishes those who make A.I. deep fakes. No rational person would argue against the first part of the bill but ALL reasonable people should be horrified and outraged that our corrupt rulers have snuck in this kind of travesty! But it’s par for the course and the maker of the linked video above would agree with me. This makes sense if, like the Medicis, Trudeau is a marrano–all the fog clears at that point.