Monthly Archives: July 2023
”sugar and spice and all things not nice'” CG
This one isn’t so much about the earliest settlements of this city but rather how the city came to be known within Western theism. A Wiki link HERE on the history.
In this blog, we will loosely link it to the Persian Empire and Zoroastrianism, which is an early iteration of gnostic dualism. And it’s here where the blackwashing leaves rubber all over the metaphysical highway. So make no mistake that when the archons develop a good trope they consistently double down on it and we see that front and center today with Iran being the evilest *arch-nemesis of Zionism, or, at least rivaling Amalek.
But let’s back up a bit.
The primary narratives surrounding Babylon were multiculturalism and the MONEY POWER. There is more, but for this blog, these are the two relevant points, so this is what we will focus on. The Tower of Babel is a marker for multiculturalism and Revelation links Babylon to the MONEY POWER. See David Astles, The Babylion Woe for an example of this thinking.
But here is the problem: multiculturalism and the MONEY POWER ideas did not come from Babylon, they came from the Hebrew Pharaohs who’ve ruled the earth since the 18th dynasty 33 centuries ago. That is where this idea was birthed and it is in full implementation today. Ask yourself this: Does the money-power today use Zoroastrian symbolism as a marker for their institutions? NO! They use Egyptian icons! And Canaanites (Baal), think of the bull of Wall St. (BULL EL worship). The Egyptian and Canaanite symbolism is a marker for the hybrid Egyptian/Hebrew Royal EL ites as is the name IS RA EL. And they don’t call it the Persian Plan they call it The Kalergi Plan! Which is, of course, Judaism’s ideology being implemented via proxies and stealth. Please note that only Jewish people are allowed to live in Israel while they fund multiculturalism for everyone else.
On the spirituality immersed within these themes. The lies of Hackedemia when it comes to the spirituality of Egypt is that they were polytheists and they set up this lie so that they could falsely claim that Judaism was monotheist. The truth is that the earliest iterations of Judaism were polytheist and the early Egyptian dynasties were practicing a type of pantheism or what we call panentheism in religious studies today. So the spirituality of Egypt was a type of nature worship combined with Astrotheology. But the important point is that they were both MONIST in their metaphysics.
So these Pharaonic Hebrew EL ite bloodlines adopted the spiritual monism of traditional Egyptian cosmology and turned it into what would come to be known as Kabbalah, Hermeticism, and Freemasonry. And make no mistake about it: it is these secret orders that have control of the whole earth today. And they HATE Christian Gnostic cosmology with its stark dualism between the Christ of the Pleroma and the Demiurge of the material universe commonly understood as Yahweh. It’s incredibly important to understand that the Christ of the Pleroma preceded the demiurge in cosmological terms.
Circa to the centuries after Christ. When the Greco-Roman cultures merged Christian metaphysics into their thinking they re-established varying types of metaphysical dualism and no more so than the stark dualism of many of the schools of the Christian Gnostics–especially the Sethians. This divide between heaven and earth (spirit/consciousness and matter) was fundamental to their spiritual thinking and had many similarities to Persian Zoroastrianism. And this is the root of the blackwashing which witnessed the decimation and murder of most of those who held strong dualistic cosmologies–especially those who were skeptical of all aspects of the Torah’s claims.
So what am I saying here? Well, that HIS story has been a deception! Royal Hebrew Pharaohs have ruled civilization via stealth for 33 centuries and their lineage, within this context, was birthed during the 18th dynasty of Egypt. And, just like Egyptian metaphysics they heavily borrowed from, their preferred metaphysics is MONIST and they reject all gnostic dualism when it comes to metaphysics. Of course, other Hebrew lines that came out of Egypt created the Torah with its false history and false metaphysics which declares the demiurge as the only god of existence (monism). So this is the root of the antagonism which is still front and center today and couldn’t be more relevant. Yes, it was the Hebrew Royals that came out of Egypt that had the vision of ruling the earth via finance as represented by the pyramid and with ALL gentile people as the ‘cattle of RA’…Or, what the Torah refers to as the Goyim.
In other blogs, I’ve mentioned that I didn’t make a spiritual judgment on Egypt’s early kingdoms before they merged with Hebrew Royals. Whether they held legitimate spiritual knowledge that they used for the GOOD OF ALL PEOPLE is something I’m agnostic on. But I’m far less agnostic on the lines of the Hebrew Pharaonic EL ites, who in my view, altered and likely corrupted a proper understanding of the spirituality of Egypt. In my view, they used any knowledge gained there as a means for political power and politics via control of the MONEY POWER and absolutely NOTHING could be more relevant today!
So, for the sake of this blog, it is ‘blame dualism’ of every sort and, in this case, blackwashing Persian metaphysics and certainly Christian Gnostic dualism when it comes to cosmology. This is especially prevalent in some of the controlled-opposition Christian channels wherein they attack viciously any ideas associated with gnostic thinking while never addressing the irrationality of most of the fundamental premises of their particular brand of Christianity. The best I can say about these channels is that they are to some degree right about much of the intentionally false gnostics out there.
There is only one true GNOSIS and that is Christ is NOT the son of the demiurge, which of course, makes these mainstream Christian channels delusional. I’d add that the reason they are there today is because there is a faction within the EL ite Kabal that wants a return of their earlier religious projects (population control) which they had thought might not be necessary anymore around the time of the 1960s. But the faction/s of the Kabal that do want the return of religion will likely win out as far as I can see.
NOTE*: One of the most prevalent teachings of the Rabbis is that Gentiles are to be enslaved and eventually exterminated spiritually. So the Torah is a declaration of war against Gentile people. There is a reason that people like E. Michael Jones say that the Torah is the enemy of the whole human race! So if everyone is an enemy of Torah ideology then everyone is going to be an enemy, right? So much for the mystery behind Rabbis saying that the Jews have many enemies! Well, yes they do! But please don’t omit WHY. Because they declared the Gentiles enemies.
Sept. 2023:
I’ve just surfed upon Charles Guliani and I’m linking his video on Plato HERE.
In other blogs, I’ve suggested that Plato was Jewish, and I came to that conclusion based upon a Christian Gnostic take on his political ideas: Fascism. No coinky-dinky. But I link this video because Charles says exactly what I’m saying here when it comes to Babylon as Misdirection. Well worth the listen.
Charles is also saying that the modern atheist movement is a cult with the leader being Jewish interests. I also took note that skepticism and critical thinking were dumped down the @#$%er when it came to the COVID scam and Jewish control of politics and economics in general. So YouTube atheists do rightfully call BS on the Torah but bow down deep on their knees when it comes to Jewish control of politics and economics.
This is another one on that internet somebody Adam Green published by the internet nobody andrewmarkmusic.
I’ve covered Green before HERE but I’m on it again as he gets Spookier with every show! I’m commenting on THIS one.
First off, HERE is a paper on Atheism, by Miles Mathis, and it’s a must-read. We should note that Miles does not dispute one of the core tenets of Christian Gnosticism when he deconstructs Hitchens’ narrative about the earth being an asylum for lost souls (or trapped souls). He doesn’t dispute it because it’s not an irrational supposition.
No one, it seems, is more cozy with the Rabbis than Green as he’s always in conversation with them and absolutely *NO GENTILE gets to visit Israel unless they are vetted by Israeli Intelligence.
Let me first say again that I’m a Christian Gnostic who believes the Torah is cultural BS when it comes to history, science (see Miles Mathis), and metaphysics, but I shall not argue the latter points in this blog–search my site in that regard. If that’s true, and most evidence points towards that it is true, then it’s a reasonable deduction to suggest the Torah’s malevolent little religious children are false, too. I’ve many many blogs on that issue but again I won’t argue the point here. On this point, I agree with Green.
I’m only here to point out a few things in the linked video. Adam seems to think that if he repeats the same BS over and over and over it makes it not BS! A very Jewish trait, by the way! Here is what Green omits from his analysis and I’m only going to assess this via mainstream Christian eschatology (that I don’t believe in) but neither do I omit it for hidden agendas.
He omits that the Book Of Revelations clearly describes the complete annihilation of this Jewish World Order with its BS Noahide Law system and its stolen Egyptian Temple we’ve all come to know as Solomon’s Temple. Speaking of making up BS, do you know how many wives Solomon was supposed to have had? Hundreds and thousands if you add in the concubines (ahem big BS sneeze). That aside, wouldn’t you think this was relevant? That the True God is going to annihilate this lying jewish world order?
He also omits that according to many Christian theorists, the real church and not this ** ‘fake goat-herding church’ will be raptured prior to all this spiritual BS! One might ask who it is that is ‘rapturing’ them away from worshipping Yahweh and his evil little minions. But no one is allowed to bring up these quibbles without being canceled. It ain’t Baal worship they are going to implement but very specific instructions from Yahweh when it comes to his Third Temple. I’ll add in here that Green talks from what seems to be a very carefully crafted set of parameters and it seems like he’s not allowed to talk about or explore other options that could possibly be a better fit for humanity’s circumstances.
I’ve mentioned before that Green often says that Jesus didn’t exist while at the same time insisting he was Jewish! Completely incoherent and bizarre stance to take especially from someone who repeats the word reason quite often. Maybe I can help this Spook: if Jesus didn’t exist then he wasn’t JEWISH! How hard is that to grasp? Too hard as it turns out. But the inconsistencies don’t end there as the pretext for Zionism (Jewish atheism) forcefully taking the land of Palestine was the LIE BULL…And make no mistake about the flip: it is not Gentile people waging war against the Hebrews as it is the Torah that dictates, as a foundational tenet of its belief, that the Jews are to wage perpetual war against ALL GENTILE PEOPLE!
I came across another Spook yesterday named Jeffrey Daugherty and he argues many of the same points that Green does. This goes to the false dichotomy the EL ites set up which offers humanity a choice between atheism and literal Bible religions. Endless pointless debates have been set up with the goal of turning human brains to mush–or so it seems.
One has to consider, that going by today’s behavior of this so-called Judeo-Christian culture, the 1000-Year Reich posited by Judaism is going to be the amplification of economic Pyramid and Ponzi schemes with the grifting Christian Zionists helping Yahweh to double-down on usury during that epoch! Surely that is Judeo Paradise? And surely no one has embraced usurious economics more than the Christian Zionists. Please note that once the Hebrew EL ites disposed of all the Marcionites and Gnostics in the first 3 centuries they ushered in, via Constantine, a 1000 year- feudal- rule and turned Christians into economic slaves who were kept from reading the scriptures. So wash, rinse, repeat.
By the way, this idea that the Jewish writers of the N.T. didn’t lie about Christ and its relationship to the Pleroma is nonsense. Albeit this is a Christian Gnostic take on it. It’s a fact that both the Torah and N.T. are works written by societal EL ites. In this case, Pharaonic Hebrew El ites from the Julio-Claudian-Flavian lines that had their roots in the 18th dynasty of Egypt–likely from Akhenaten’s family lines, but from many others as the Hebrew Pharaonic lines ruled via stealth. See my blog, Judaism is Egyptian Spirituality. So if one thinks these scriptures were written by uneducated fisherman then one is simply delusional.
NOTE* Whether Green is Jewish or not is irrelevant. The Jews employ numerous proxies to control the narrative and do their bidding. Disclosure is another word that is a marker for Israeli Intel. and I always say there is a universe of differences between agents disclosing agendas and spiritual truth seekers sharing spiritual gnosis. And add Harry Vox to the list–you decide what side he is on…
NOTE** On this point the malevolent archons and gods are consistent at choosing the most despicable characters as their chosen representatives as the Christian Zionist leadership is as despicable as the Hebrew patriarchs when it comes to behavior. No truly GOOD GOD would choose these bad actors as his faves. Only a spiritually blind god would do so…
Some add-ons:
I see Richard Carrier has just done a 14-hour documentary that is on the Mythvision channel. See the title of this blog for what I think of that. Don’t waste your time as you’d be better off spending the 14 hours reading Miles Mathis’ papers.
On the scam of plastic shopping bags. Yes, there are trillions of them and yes they end up in dumps pretty well everywhere. But you’re just exceptionally dumb and blind if you think the mafia food cartels care about proper garbage disposal. These new bags will ALL end up in the dumps too! So what is it about? They know that 90 trips out of 100 that people make to the grocery store will be without reusable bags as everyone on average will forget to bring them in. So do the math on that. I can guarantee they are raking in the dough on people’s forgetfulness and THEY KNOW THIS! So it’s about making MONEY! If they cared about the earth (they most assuredly DO NOT) they would use paper bags and cardboard boxes for heavier loads.