Monthly Archives: November 2024
Certain it is that work, worry, labor, and trouble, form the lot of almost all men their whole life long. A. Schopenhauer.
Fourthly what was the most important source of all came as a direct result of the official conversion to Christianity, which allowed Constantine to confiscate the enormous treasures amassed over the centuries in the numerous pagan temples throughout the empire. The result of this religious revolution was far greater but in some ways similar to the financial effects of the dissolution1of the monasteries in sixteenth-century
But the mass of the population, despite the degree to which they were saved by their direct dependence on agriculture, could not escape the disadvantages of inflation; and though the pace of inflation was considerably reduced in the last quarter of the fourth century and the beginning of the fifth, the damage had been done.
The above is from Glyn Davies, A History of Money.
The great economic masturbatory rumination of our times is whether to go back to coinage (gold standard) currency or to push forward with bank credit money. We’ll get back to this.
Notice in the above quote that Constantine’s first move was to pillage the pagan temples to fill his state’s financial needs. State-run Christianity as theft? It seems that way. The law of cause and effect caught up, though, as the British churches were also pillaged by certain Kings in their era. I’m just making a point here, folks. On the second quote: The average person today can no longer look to the land and its bounty to help them survive the ravishes of the money masters.
In 2017 when I first published this site I coughed up a few scenarios covering some ground on what is happening to civilization in these times. The simplest of the assertions, which did not necessitate spiritual speculations, was that there are those in high positions of power who hate *modernity and want us to return to theocracy of some type and those who want a return to the coinage of the gold standard system. I couldn’t say whether these groups are conspiratorially aligned or separate in their ambitions and goals.
What I can say is that Neoliberalism’s privatization obsession is entering a hyper-phase as the oligarchy doubles down on the idea–so the billionaire class, especially those fused with hyper-right Libertarian and anarcho-capitalist commitments, are going to deconstruct the government with every kind of deregulation imaginable. Melissa Dellen covers this ground HERE. So, although they espouse no government, the reality is that they become the government–all we’ll get is their militias and a jackboot to our necks if we critique their hubris, greed, and ignorance. It seems curious that a similar phenomenon is happening within Judaism or world Jewry wherein the victims are now the perpetrating aggressors–so in a sense, it’s another flip. We see how hard done by the billionaires are when they complain about government theft. In my view, it would be incorrect to classify these as entirely separate phenomena.
One of the primary takeaways for me in Davies’ book is that gold as a means of exchange combined with a store of value did not stop inflation. Or, it did at times, but for only relatively short amounts of time. This seems to be a fact, so if history is accurate, then a return to the gold standard will not solve the inflation problem over any long-term period. HERE is a link suggesting a return to the gold standard is not a good idea and I agree. It does appear, though, that gold coinage combined with anti-usury laws within Christian nations was more effective in stemming the ravages of inflation. And this has relevance today, especially in America. But we have to go back 100 years to assess this line of inquiry.
The American Republic experiment ended around 1913 and our current oligarchy had its roots in the rise of the billionaire class and the takeover of the means of exchange via financial privatization–think the Fed. But this wasn’t the only thing happening. This new billionaire class has waged war against one of the primary avenues of resistance by decimating labour and the idea of labour in and of itself via financialization–one of the results of this war is that we now live in what I call the Ponziocene. The point is that labor was intentionally decimated. But so was the Christian church, and rather than it being a voice of resistance to the worst excesses of capitalism and usury, it was flipped via Intel. Inc., and has become one of the largest supporters of oligarchy, imperial colonization, and usury. A proper understanding of Christianity can be found HERE…the reader is riffing off ole’ Schopenhauer. And BTW, Schopie was a product of his time on the issue of culture and biology, so I can disagree with some of his stances on those points and still see truth writ large in his metaphysics.
The takeaway is that the oligarchs have been very busy over the past 100 years and have decimated their enemies: labor and the church which now rejects the notion that mammon is not a good thing (more inversion).
Okay, on to the other option that the money masters have put forth: MMT, or Modern Monetary Theory. This is credit money typed into existence by banks. HERE is a link to Richard Murphy covering the basics. He says this IS NOT a theory per se but is surely descriptive of what is factually taking place with money and currency in our time. I tend to agree with his take on that point. Where I likely differ is that I think the central banks should be publicly owned and the creation of the means of exchange should be a public service with the only cost being producing and administering the system. So money would not be backed by debt. IOW’s the creation of a non-usurious means of exchange would be a first principle of the State. One could guess why Peter Thiel wants to do away with the State!
When interest-bearing credit-money is created, through the production of loans by the banks, there is enough circulating currency to repay the principal of the loan but not to repay the interest.
The view that bank deposits are initially formed from pre-existing monies is completely fallacious. In short, today’s money is created and issued by the banks in response to a request for its creation (Rochon 1999; Howells 2008). (see MMT).
THIS paper covers some ground and aligns with many of my thoughts along this line of inquiry. One of my suggestions has been to create TWO ECONOMIES with one I call RESIDENTIAL and one COMMERCIAL. Interestingly enough, Glyn states there have been city-states that implemented similar ideas wherein there were two currencies: the first for local use and the second for larger international use. So, I don’t think I’m off the rails here. But indeed, there seems to be a spectrum of thought when it comes to our current very dangerous dilemmas. Capitalists who see the need for reform are suggesting Social Housing be brought back as before neoliberal privatization in the 80’s. I’m certainly not opposed to this but in my view it’s like using a band-aid for a severed limb. But hey…
LUCKY BLACK CAT is at it again addressing the so called Tragedy Of The Commons. Few are getting the irony that it’s neoliberal privatization that is the tragedy of the commons–in my view, more like land theft via colonial and imperial agents. I’m all in when it comes to her analysis but I differ on some major points on the solutions front. I only address Christendom and the West in my writings and in my view we will never accept the dismantling of private property rights–and no, I’ve never desired to own property, I’m simply riffing off of cultural pragmatism here. There is more chance of that in the East as they were more amenable to communist ideology. I also don’t think like the one world order monsters and think we need a multiplicity of local solutions as one size is not going to fit all when it comes to reforms. There was a section in her video that suggested creating small blocks of individually owned private parcels and I think this is at least possible if not plausible. I won’t get too hung up on the words private property as long as a first principle of the State, along with creating a public means of exchange, is to guarantee lifetime land access to everyone–as long as the outcome is similar to the protections offered to the individual via private property then I don’t care what one calls it. If you come to this earth you need land to live on and there are far better ways of ensuring this than the present abortion. I get the oligarchs think public land rights should be limited to graves!
To end on this one I’ll say I sit in the money should only be a means of exchange and unit of account camp and not a store of value. We have Bitcoin now that can act as a store of value but in my view, it is too complex to be the common means of exchange. In my view, though, having one of the most important structures in a civilization dependant on electricity is one of the stupidest decisions ever made by humans. In that sense, I do get what the gold/grave diggers are saying. And no, I don’t think land should be a store of value the way it is now. Surely humanity can solve the store of value issue without trespassing on our basic needs and the basic needs of other life forms.
Much more on these themes is my Problem of Money blog which has many links to my thinking on these topics.
*NOTE I also share some anti-modernist views so I do get it to some degree. In my view, much past electricity, toilets, and sewers, has been a waste from an environmental point of view. But I’m not a Hegelian of any sort and don’t share their linear view of progress. I sit in the ‘cyclic camp.’
Oh yes, LBC was brave enough to say the word BEN in her latest video but I don’t think the word Jew should be criminalized. I watched part of a 4-hour documentary and this guy really said that because there are Gentile financial mafias it makes it not a problem that there are Jewish financial mafias (WTF)…He also admitted that the Torah is factually false in the history it asserts, and, I agree with that 100%, but then goes on to say in the same sentence that this falseness is an innocent occurrence with no consequences. Can humans be this stupid?
On the way out, think about this: we now live in an age wherein complex abstraction allows people to sell things for huge profit that DO NOT EXIST IN REALITY! They sell FICTION! If you can’t see the problem with this then you are worse than blind, deaf, and dumb. And yes, this is called USURY!
Addition: the problem, in my view, of making the means of exchange a store of value is firstly; that it creates the incentive to hoard currency; and secondly, it creates a coercive uneven playing field within the market system. So the hoarder of currency as a store of value can manipulate markets in a way that would not be possible if currency was only a means of exchange. The other point is that currency needs to flow and be ‘liquid’ so hoarding currency stops the flow of exchange. There are more complexities but I won’t get into them here.
It seems things are heating up in Texas as they want to issue State currency backed by gold and silver. See HERE. Needless to say, the Federal Reserve isn’t going to like this. Interesting times. In the last hundred years anyone who has challenged the Rothschild Fed. system has, coincidentally, ended up in a state of war. Perhaps this is one reason the Freemasons predicted WW3. My prediction is Texas will pass all kinds of other laws like teaching kids in school that the universe is 6000 years old, etc. I’ve said in other blogs, that as a Christian Gnostic, Christianity has proved time and time again that it cannot get culture right and that is because they superglued Yahweh to Christ which is the foundational lie of the last 1700 years. But I do agree with these guys that we also just can’t let the Jewish bankers and their Gentile cronies set-up the central banking digital currency linked to a perversion of the Social Credit–now flipped and used as a scoring system as these two systems will be the end of freedom. So on that point the Texans are correct.
Nov. 24th:
Much more on MMT from those on the left. My thoughts: MMT is strictly an assessment of how our current money system operates; so it’s not a macro-economic theory like say Marxism. In that sense, it is limited but still very useful, in my view.
On our current inflation. MMT maybe played a smaller role since 2020 but there are other much more significant reasons why we are dealing with prices doubling and tripling since 2020. The main reason is homes have become speculative assets and many of these homes sit empty as investments. THIS IS DISGUSTING from a spiritual point of view. The second reason for our current inflation is because the governments sided with the corporations post 2020 when the corporations began to hyper-inflate costs to make up for losses they incurred because of the shut-down. So governments were protected from the lockdown because they control the money supply–unlike a household who cannot print their own money–and then post-pandemic sided with the corporations in their successful attempt to recapture lost revenue. The only people that really suffered from government pandemic policies are the masses of citizens world wide who were not in the position to create their own coinage or hyper inflate anything they had of value like labor, etc.
On the creation of currency in general. It always worked best when there were Caesars and Kings who had a genuine love for the people. It pretty well always went in the shitter when rulers were corrupt and couldn’t care one iota about their populations. Which group runs things today? Not the former, IMO. So, until our political system ends its contempt for the people and ends professional lying in politics in general there can be no corrective that will be of much efficacy.
This post is not directed at coin collectors!
‘make widgets; not scams’...AMM
I grew up in the splendor of Toronto suburbs in the 60’s and at an early age, while riding my bike all day on the rural routes, I intuited that the country is better than the city. Our ruling EL ite knows this and is one of the reasons they’ve treated humanity like sardines. Nevertheless, by the time I was 19 in 1979, I saw accurately the horror that Toronto was becoming and went West. A note that by 1998 I was lamenting that Vancouver made the ignoble achievement of becoming worse than Toronto in pretty well every department–I call it the city that was conquered by greed.
When I got to the ocean in Vancouver in ’79 I thought I died and went to heaven and as a bonus, the ocean air sent my Toronto allergies packing so I stayed close to the coast for the rest of my life. One day, while I was busking on Granville St., someone told me I could pick up $500.00 if I went into a certain building and applied for it. This seemed very weird to me as I was brought up working class and was making money early in life via paper routes, babysitting, and caddying at a local club. I used to carry doubles for Wayne and Shuster–in those days I was a good goy! Right?
As the years went by I found out this was a government policy implemented by the provincial Social Credit party. It was called G.A.I.N. (guaranteed annual income). This was rescinded by about 87. I now know that this version of Social Credit was a watered-down poor reflection of the original idea that came out of Alberta mid-century which was all about means of exchange ideas–IMO., the original intention was not to create welfare as it came to be known. Similar to its American cousin, Progress and Poverty, by Henry George, it was a progressive Christian idea attempting to address how capitalism creates massive want and instability alongside massive inequality. This situation has become much worse since 2008 as we return to feudalism albeit a technocratic version.
These ideas became popular in Japan and, the story goes, on Conspiracy Lane, that this is the why of Japan in WW2. Both Germany and Japan experimented successfully with ‘means of exchange’ ideas that were in direct violation of the Rothschild banking cartels’ view on such matters. The story continues in this vein today as apparently, it is Iran and North Korea that are the last two remaining holdouts of an alternative means of exchange or monetary policy. Of course, this will all be scorned as a coincidence but there are no coincidences on Conspiracy Lane. I’d mention here also that China was well aware of the Social Credit experiment in Japan and I’d suggest the original good idea was first perverted by the time I came across it in B.C. in 1979 and now inverted by the Chinese who have 100% flipped the original good intention–not an accident.
Now to my Anglo-Saxon heritage. On the fringes of historical research is the assertion that William the Conquerer was descended from (the possibly Semitic) Rollo Lothbrok. What seems to be a fact is that today’s Royals in Europe are from his lineage. Now if Rollo was not Semitic (tribe of Dan?) then it is by no means out of the question that one of his wives was Semitic. That aside, we know that Rollo’s offspring conquered the Anglo-Saxons in Britain and were the primary advocates for all things usurious and Jewish in England during these times. A note that historical facts are now considered thought crime.
The average weeks of work for the common person during the years usury was outlawed was about 14 weeks a year with a high quality of life which allowed them to build the amazing cathedrals of that era. The common person, if they did not own the land, had near unlimited access to the commons, but the later (1600 on) Jewish usurious takeover of Britain would implement the ‘enclosure laws’ which was a huge land grab by a burgeoning capitalism. This sent the common people into the new corporate city factories. Even today Netanyahoo goes on the screen to tell Iran and Lebanon that they will do great trade and commerce with Israel if they obey and if they do not obey they will be pummelled! Nothing new under the sun when it comes to the J.Q., eh?
One point I’d ask people to consider is whether those Anglo-Saxons who banned usury went on to become the criminals behind colonial imperialism. I argue succinctly they did not nor ever did wish to be international conquerors so it must have been Jewish bankers behind imperialism and colonialism –low and behold if one reads the Torah one will find on a plain reading that it is Yahweh who is the author of the NWO.
A note on a few former Prime Ministers from Israel weighing in on current events. They call the current situation,‘ enemies within’ which is a reference to the current government and its funding and backing by the most extreme sects of religious fanaticism via Torah religiosity. As a Christian Gnostic, I couldn’t agree more, but I’ll be accused of antisemitism whereas ex-Jewish politicians will simply be dismissed and canceled via ‘no reach algorithms’ (ME TOO). All I’d add is that the same ‘enemy within’ is at work in most Western nations and no more so than with the carnival barkers of American Christian Zionism with their Project 2025 all funded by Jewish religiosity and KA$H to make all nations Noahide compliant.
HERE is a link with a Christian searching hundreds of works in antiquity written by Christian writers from all over the known world and none of them mentioned Christian Zionism which is a new toxic version of christianity funded by bankers and jewish zealots last century. I’m not addressing the truth of Christianity here but addressing pragmatic theology that is constructive rather than destructive. There is little good about Christian Zionism therefore it is destructive. The inquisitions of christianity were destructive in this use while the Amish are constructive.
This brief series is coming to an end and I will now refocus on three primary themes:
1)the truth that Yahweh is not the Father Christ referenced. I’ll focus on why Judaism is toxic and why Yahweh is not a good Father and although Christianity at present is flawed it did attempt to address the flaws of Judaism. Here is a good place to start: Gavin Young’s take on Judaism which is correct, IMO. I’ll also explore what is called Loxism and why white Jewish people are not the friends of white Christian culture. This is important for all Western nations today especially with Trump’s win.
2)Altering the means of exchange to one that is rational, logical, fair to all, and environmentally sound. I’ll reference the ideas of Silvio Gessell. Here is a link to his ideas that I implore everyone to research. But as my writings suggest, it takes more than monetary reform to get us to a healthy spiritual place. So the second point of focus will be LAND.
3) Altering land so as to get the use of it similar to what Henry George espoused. So far in my writings, I’ve appeared to have flipped George’s idea but this isn’t really accurate. I’m coming from the pragmatic perspective of what is possible and if my ideas get the same results as George then I don’t see the problem.