Andrewmarkmusic: decoding the headlines
and official narratives in short, terse pithy aphorisms!

This post will tackle what I think are some of the myths woven into the hive mind of humanity which I think are counter-productive and fallacious. I need to first go over the schema of premodern, modern(around 1500 A.D.), and the postmodern era which really cemented itself during the ’50s and ’60s. The first thing I need to say is that not everything premodern was irrational and illogical and in fact, their way of keeping time via 30-Day moon cycles was more coherent than our fractured Gregorian calendar. Having a direct relationship with the earth was in no way irrational either. So any corrective post-postmodern integration, at a minimum, would need to discuss these particular issues.

As far as the Enlightenment and Industrial Capitalism: the sad truth is that there was a worm in the center of that apple and it was the sleight of hand of control of the money supply as the new covert method of controlling populations seemingly replaced the traditional Monarchy, Divine Right, or Church Authority. I’m sure humanity is stuck until we implement a corrective like; a basic income; a citizens dividend, and perhaps even a complete overhaul of where and how to tax. The fact of the matter is that unnecessary coercion, exploitation, and force would need to be removed for a civilization to call itself post-postmodern, or integrated. One of the primary concerns here is to make sure that humanity’s culture is voluntary and not built upon a foundation of forced coercion. A new model for education is needed…

Education in a post-postmodern economy shouldn’t be for-profit and one of the primary areas of study needs to be in the field of spirituality. But for this to be successful it would need to have the issue of financial corruption removed as a possibility. We would also need new ways to test for non-bias and open objectiveness so a metric would need to be devised so that faculty don’t skew results; so we don’t get pseudo-science as we have now in this field; with one of the goals in this area of study to be the end of the possibility of quackery. This would also prevent Hindu’s from doing Hindu science, and Buddhists doing Buddhist science and fundamentalist’s doing Bible science, etc.  Now I get the modernists aren’t going to like this idea but the sad truth is that humans are spiritual beings whether God exists or not and the impulse towards spirituality is never going away so a wise civilization would concede this truism and deal with it maturely and professionally. Moreover, one of the complete failures within the current malaise is trust and that trust has been broken between the elites and common folk and a sincere academic attempt to study honestly with integrity humanities most important queries is about one of the only things I can think of that would restore trust to a broken civilization; in fact, no future progress is possible without something like this happening. But perhaps modern academies consider the resurgence of Flat Earth theories and such a success? Please let me assure the academies: they’re relevant and are proof enough that you’re doing something WRONG!

It’s hard for me to imagine a more fragile civilization than the one late modernity has created all built upon the near absolute need for electrical power and to have the financial system dependent on this seems like incredible folly to me. A post-postmodern corrective would be to teach humanity to become food self-sufficient again and by every means possible. Whether technical urban hydroponic farming or a return to educated homesteading laws and more; everything possible needs to be done to mitigate the horrors of the lights going out for an extended period. To not do so is folly, IMO., especially given predictions of climate instability in the coming century.

I’ll add this from an earlier post on The New Earth Commons as the ideas couldn’t be more timely or relevant:

We need to build what I call a New Earth Commons Society which uses a non-inflationary Commons-Non-Debt means of exchange; this culture could live ‘side by side’ to a scaled-back capitalist system– one where the focus was commercial and industrial/technical.

The merit of my idea is that it would allow as many people as much choice as possible as to which system they want to live under. The present worldwide financial monoculture is reaching all natural limits and cannot be sustained– 2 billion practitioners is the likely limit. In all likeliness, this system reached its limits in and around 1950. I think the postmodernists grokked this and are in part what they were getting at.

So this new emerging New Earth Commons culture would have to have a guaranteed dividend for all its people. There are boundaries that would be legislated into the present system: Real-estate would be limited to a one home per person initiative and the present speculation on personal real-estate would end ( it would be allowed commercially in a stripped-down capitalist system ). Health-care, education, ecology would all be traded in the N.E.C system with the stable mode of a new commons currency. I figure that by 2100 the two economies might divide into 2 billion participating in the reformed capitalist economy and about 8 billion partaking in the N.E.C. economy. A large part of the N.E.C.economy would be using the current recreation infrastructure; also the voluntary aspect of the N.E.C. would mean most people in that economy would commit to living simple ‘green’ environmentally sustainable lifestyles.  A very large part of the culture would be having the infrastructure and education aimed towards mastery in any given interest. I concede the mindset of misanthropy would need to replaced with true philanthropy and not the phony kind the billionaire oligarchs reap today.

A new emerging N.E.C.civilization needs to have four pillars that are off-limits to capitalist exploitation:


2-housing: with a one house per person initiative put in place ( end the casino speculation on homes). Everyone is allowed one piece of private property. And yes, you can own as big a house as honest merit allows; but you only get to own one!



Implied in the new Four Pillars is the end of usury; especially usury as a tool of economic predatory behavior.

These four areas need to be the foundation of a New Earth Commons Non-Debt Currency Civilization.

Please note the private property rights are paramount to this vision as is the means of trading goods and services via capitalism. I’ve suggested four areas that need to be altered if we are to progress into a healthy post-postmodern civilization.


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