Andrewmarkmusic: decoding the headlines
and official narratives in short, terse pithy aphorisms!
and official narratives in short, terse pithy aphorisms!
In the demiurgic matrix no good deed goes unpunished.
This has been my mornings since I had the audacity to say words with the letter J in them…
It might be time to get some goats buddy:
I cough this one up for Kanye:
Dec. 2022 update:
My take on the Kanye Psy-op: his role on the Alex Jones show was to see how many times he could say Yahweh! As if repeating the same lie for about 1700-years somehow makes it more true. So that’s the why of Kanye in a nutshell.
His version of Christianity is nothing but a manufacturing of consent to be slaves to Judaism’s god. To pretend there was no quarrel between the demiurgic owned earth and the Christ of the Pleroma who wasn’t a jewish carpenter. That story is the fiction of the archons and it’s in place to manufacture slavery.
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