Andrewmarkmusic: decoding the headlines
and official narratives in short, terse pithy aphorisms!

In my previous post on Fascism, I referenced Dr. Shiva who also defines correctly what fascism is today (our current capitalist iteration). HERE is a link to another of his videos where he has a chat with the daughter of President Eisenhower. I can’t find that video so Eisenhower must have requested he take it down as it was incredibly salty when it came to a certain use of language.

So I wanted to cough up some commentary on this very interesting person although one of the perspectives I’ll cover here is whether or not he is a SPOOK asset of the central banking Intelligence agencies–we do live on Conspiracy Lane here although I’ve said many times that Judaism isn’t a conspiracy as it is a religion with explicit tenets and political goals that encompass every nation on earth. I’ve outed some others in this regard, but in this case, it’s hard to say. State/Banker Intel. agencies are there to manage the flow of information from intelligent people and thinkers. Take Tesla as an example: he was very intelligent so these agencies create counter-intelligent agents to interfere and disrupt or even steal the intelligent ideas of intelligent people. Now their game has become much more complex than that but this is all we need to concern ourselves with in this blog.

Let’s start by saying what he is right about without equivocation. He’s 100% correct that the current worldwide financial structure is fascist to the core and he calls it the SWARM. One of the primary ways they’ve taken Total Control of ALL the world’s nations over the past 500 years is by rigging who it is that can get any political power and say over the question of ‘how shall we live?’ which is a foundational theme of this website. In the West, at minimum, over the past 500 years, they’ve achieved this via SECRET SOCIETIES and especially Freemasonry which is esoteric Judaism or Esoteric Judaism for the Gentiles. This is a FACT of history and Dr. SHIVA correctly states that absolutely NO ONE can get anywhere near the top of the political power structure unless they are vetted by these societal actors.

These EL ite banking families are incredibly sophisticated (sophist) and have projected the idea that we are not being ruled by the divine right of kings anymore but that is basically bullshit as we are still being ruled by these royal houses en masse. Yes, maybe via a subtle form of hidden rulership up until Sept.11, 2001, at which point they’ve declared OPEN RULERSHIP of the nations of the world for anyone who isn’t blind and has eyes to see.

A point here on the Alex Jones, David Icke, and Elon Musk interview. The idea was put out there that these families only control the Western nations and I’ll tip my hat to Icke for calling BS on that one as they control ALL nations. The assertion that they do not is especially absurd from the perspective of spirituality and theism and David Icke correctly pointed that out so kudos to him on that point. I mean they tried to imply that the Jewish communist takeover of the East was historical fiction! Read The Controversy of Zion and Under The Sign of the Scorpion for overwhelming evidence that Hebrew control over the East is not fiction. But it’s even more ridiculous when analyzed via the lens of a plain reading of Judaism whose god, according to these detractors, only has or wants control of Western Nations! SMH…

On his vulgarity. He is entirely right on aggregate that working people tend to have a base and less than stellar vocabulary in their day-to-day lives. I worked the trades all my life and I’m 65 years old and can testify to the fact that on average we workers are very often saying fcuk this and you’re full of shite that, etc., etc., etc…all day long. His slogan for a run at the presidency on his platform is

‘don’t suck _EW _ICK!

See the interview with Laura Eisenhower linked above. It’s on this point that he likely outed himself as a SPOOK. I’ve been investigating The Jewish Question for 20 years now and every single time I come across an actor/agent who uses vulgarity ubiquitously they invariably out themselves as Jewish upon investigation. Harry Vox is another one in this regard and linked here is his video where he explicitly and correctly states that it’s these Jewish mafia banking families’ economic control over the earth that has created our many environmental crises. In my blog on The Problem of Money, I asked whether it’s sane that those who have created the problem should be given the task of solving the problems….Um…HELL NO! These are known as agent provocateurs within Intel. Inc. and are not much different from the Hebrews who paint swastikas on their synagogues! However, I am not explicitly accusing Vox or Shiva of being agents–ultimately I don’t know but the evidence does seem to point that they very well could be.

I did see commenters on his videos suggest to him that he tone down his vulgar rhetoric and he’d be wise to take that council and only use it when it will make a vital point really stand out. But if he is an Intel. asset them he will not take that council. Some cursory research on him shows that he was ‘married’ to Fran Dresher who is Jewish although that wouldn’t prove he is an asset of Jewish Intel. it does point us in that direction.

His claims about our new Neo-Caste system are 100% spot on. I touch on it in this blog. And this from my blog Post-Pandemic as Economic Rape:

In Kabbalah, it’s called Tikkun and money is a huge aspect of their philosophy; so much so that they’ve created a neo-caste system in the West, and if you struggle financially you are to blame for being spiritually inept and inferior (according to them). This is a primary reason we are seeing an epidemic of homelessness within Western civilization. The New Economic Model of Financialization in the West has just as often as not created an eCONomic grift culture. We should call this the dark side of Passive Income seeking.

In one of his talks he covers the ground of how the old-Indian caste system was re-imagined by British-Zionist (Freemasonry) rule in India during the Colonial era and as stated above this idea now rules economics in the West and we get all the usual gaslighting that comes with this trope implemented by royal EL ite banking families whose economic policies are creating mass unaffordability and homelessness with the added accusation, especially in America, that your economic plight is your own fault for not having the gumption to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and rise above it.

The TRUTH on this point is that a primary actor in this regard is the antinomianism of the Sabbatean Frankist sect that has gained enormous power over the centuries. If this is true then this is all being done willfully and intentionally with an end goal in mind. So PROBLEM/REACTION/SOLUTION.

Embedded below is a video of this sad state of affairs in NYC. But it’s everywhere in the WEST! In the video he covers the ground of the limits to growth when it comes to infrastructure and the same problem is happening in places like Vancouver where I live. When the Hebrew agenda of mass immigration into once white Christian nations gets ramped up it puts incredible strain on local ecosystems and in the case of Vancouver one major problem is summer water shortages. I don’t even want to think about the amount of garbage this has generated or what they do with all of it but a fair portion of it litters the whole city and it was not always like this.

In NYC it is major flooding as the sewer system can’t keep up with the population growth. And what is never mentioned on this point is that this globalist international Kabal disrupted and co-opted all the nations where these immigrants are coming from: so it’s a double whammy as both their home nations and ours have been hijacked by those practicing economic usury. Miles Mathis has documented this extensively although this isn’t an endorsement of everything he says as says a lot…

And this video called WHAT HAPPENS WHEN EVIL WINS is entirely relevant here:

If SHIVA is an Intel. asset then his primary disinfo. is that it’s Zionism that is the problem and not the Torah. Look, I get that there are Hebrews who believe in the Torah and reject all the worst aspects of what it teaches explicitly. But on aggregate, most who believe it buy into all the spiritual supremacy, racism, and calls to genocide and enslavement of all Gentile people. To suggest that the Torah isn’t like this or teach this is utter rubbish! On this point, I keep seeing comments on his videos for him to debate Adam Green @ KnowMoreNews. SHIVA would get demolished in that debate if it is framed solely around what is explicit teaching in the Torah.

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