Andrewmarkmusic: decoding the headlines
and official narratives in short, terse pithy aphorisms!

There was a scene at the end of this classic wherein the ugly is at the graveyard searching frantically for the grave where the gold is buried; the camera effect was very cool as it drifted into this surreal montage of endless dead humans against the backdrop of the quest for KA$H…

And THIS IS the Hebrew Messiah, isn’t it? In this case, represented by Good Ole Clint EA stwood who fulfills the American Dream and ends up with all the KA$H. In esoteric lore, and I’ve pointed this out before, EA is a marker for the Enki, Jewish Jesus Messiah figure also depicted by EA stwood in his film The Gauntlet which started in Vegas and ended up in Phoenix–so Gnosticism writ large…

This brings us to Brother Nathaniel and Adam Green’s interview. In my view, they must have agreed not to challenge each other too much as most of the questioning and back and forth was tepid although entertaining.

Let’s start with this comment:


Brother Nathaniel leaving judaism for christianity is like leaving the mafia to work for the CIA.

BINGO! And it isn’t a stretch to take that comment literally as the CIA is code for PhoeniCIA or the Phoenix as mentioned above.

The first question was whether God Is A Jew. B.N. does some classic yogic contortionism on this one with the math equalling 2+2=3. Here is the 2+2=4 math: one has to take a plain reading of the scripture and steelman the account to get there though. Jesus is said to be born of Mary who was Hebrew, and Jesus is said to be fully human and directly descendent from the line of David (Hebrew), John says in the beginning was the WORD (Jesus) and the WORD was God. When you add all this up one can’t escape the fact that a plain reading couldn’t be clearer that god is a Jew!

See my blog Why Did They Turn God Into A Jew, where I flesh this out.

But we Christian Gnostics (keyboard warrior morons) according to B.N. don’t take the word of Professional Liars seriously. And here I’ll pull out my 6-gun shooter and take a shot at all the Youtube Gnostics who are also masters of 2+2=3. In this case, it’s Yaldabaoth who is the malevolent god of this world but this has absolutely no consequence for Yahweh and the Torah where never a lie is told, and the Hebrews are simply humble merchants who consistently mind their own business while they go about their business. Here is the 2+2=4: Christ is not the Son of Yahweh and in fact, this is a reversal of spiritual truth; although enough truth got into the N.T. when Christ said the Hebrew god is Satan and any Hebrew will tell you that their god is Yahweh so a plain reading is Yahweh is Satan. We can see the truth of this via the coming Hebrew Messiah who will act out his Clint EA stwood role as the Great Hebrew banker in the sky come to earth. We should also note that the Rabbis are not building the Third Temple on the instructions of Satan but on the direct injunctions of Yahweh. And a plain reading of the current ongoing genocide of the Palestinians is that Yahweh commands this murder.

I’ve heard more than a few Rabbis say the first question this *demiurge figure asks them upon their death is whether they were good with KA$H? And there are endless quotes from the Orthodox stating that the Gentiles’ role is to be their financial slaves and this is also an explicit and foundational tenet of Judaism. This brings us to the West today, who rules it, and why it’s being destroyed. On this issue, there are two points to be made: the first is what I call ‘dialogue compartmentalization’. This is a media tactic wherein the genocide of the Palestinians has nothing to do with the cost of renting a suite in your city; which has nothing to do with a simple meal now costing you $30.00 bucks. When the reality is it’s all coming from the same source: Hebrew ideology and control of the nation-state. Or, what I call the Unholy Trinity wherein the Hebrews control the banking empires, created the corporatocracy, and have co-opted all the world’s governments–they are instructed in the Torah to do all of this.

B.N. couldn’t be more right that the primary method of this achievement was via what he calls counterfeiting. More precisely, this was the Hebrews inventing and permitting themselves to create money from nothing and to then charge interest to the Gentiles (well everyone really) for every dollar printed which has created an economics of infinite growth on a finite planet and these same criminals want to cough up the solution to this planetary disaster. The right question to ask is why THEY get to create money from nothing and why would you would be thrown in jail if you do it?

The outcome of this Ponzi Scheme is our current USURIOUS model of capitalism which is called financialization by leftist Hebrew economists–this type of thinking was the template for THE BAD character….So using a Ponzi scheme to create money to make money which again is the proper definition of usury. This is all done via the esoteric philosophy of ending the curse of work that Yahweh implemented so they believe they are acting righteously. Moreover, the current disaster of turning homes into speculative assets is simply the blessings and curses of Deuteronomy projected onto homes: you will be blessed with bigger and bigger homes if you play Yahweh’s games and made homeless if you do not. Of course, Dr. SHIVA (TM) who is running for president is right that there is more to it than that as these Hebrew royals and their Goy assets are what he calls the SWARM and both he and B.N. are correct when they say their foundational root are the worlds ACADEMIES or what I call HACKedemia and this is what the true AEON Christ would call them, too. AEON CHRIST = the spirit of truth and wisdom and he was not a Hebrew carpenter but one would have to research Gnostic Docetism.

The second point, which I’ve mentioned in other blogs, is that the Hebrews are obviously masters of the long game. It didn’t take them long to do the math on the Far East once they took control of those populations and the math is simple: the KA$H this coming century is in the Far East and in a way you can think of their destruction of the West as something not much different than what any type of conquerors do to areas that they took control of and later abandon and the abandoning phase is pretty well the looting phase and this is what is happening in the West–they will take with them this Century all the wealth and ill-gotten gains they have achieved. The West will live various iterations of The Hunger Games (predictive programming). This is the UGLY character in all its blind and ignorant consent to these mafia overlords and their way of doing business. Whether THE GOOD shoots the rope out from around our necks is yet to be seen…

NOTE*: Yaldabaoth was known as Father Time/Lord of Saturn and the archon of the reincarnation template within premodern metaphysics. If you study the metaphysics of Paul’s visions it’s clear this is what he believed and it’s clear he knew the password to bypass Yahweh and get to the higher heavens. In fact, there are sects within Judaism that do know that Yahweh is an ARCHON and not GOD writ large.

In addition: one of the primary tropes of the BAD character within economics is the ‘it’s a free market!’…Let’s be clear here: Hebrew control of currency and their manipulation of markets is the opposite of ‘free markets’….

If one wants to have a view into what an Aeon Christ version of economics would look like they should watch Eric Dubay’s recent video. This is not an endorsement of Flat Earth theory.

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